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Thoughts on 1 Corinthians 12


….(Now concerning spiritual gifts, brethren, I do not want you to be ignorant:*
1Corinthians 12:1 NKJV)

Paul’s reminder to the Corinthians christians is just as good for today’s believer. The Bible in Hosea 4:6b says, my people perish for lack of knowledge.

Our failure in getting informed or remaining nonchalant on topical issues affecting our Christian lives has brought avoidable consequences to many and even led some to living in contradiction to the instructions of Him who has called us and to whom every one will give an account.

For those that have been following RACAD, our journey into Paul’s letter to the Corinthians brought to fore some of the important issues that at one point or another, people have debated or argued about in christiandom.

For some, our past teaching and experiences might have built a poor understanding of the Holy Spirit and His gifts and left us confused.

Some believers out there have even brought some superstitious views into our understanding of Spiritual Gifts and some of us have entertained such in our ignorance.

The chapter today, separates the myths from the truth. If they are called *spiritual gifts*, then it means they can only be accessed through the Holy Spirit.

No matter our cravings or coveting any of them, the Holy Spirit determines what gift to give to each person. (vs 11).

The manifestation of these Spiritual gifts is for the *good* of the church. It is not a personal property of the carrier of the gift, the workings of the gift is also not to be manipulated but subject to the Holy Spirit, it is not for monetisation or for material gain also.

So many teachings are flying around as to this topic of Spiritual Gifts, brethren, there is a need to be individually informed, not just about trending news on social media (which many of us share willingly), but being committed to studying the word of God, so that we can correctly divide the word of truth by ourselves.

Only then can we become established and rooted, not tossed here and there by a so called superior argument which come from some of these teachings. There is a direct relationship between knowledge and liberty. Only the truth that we know shall make us free.

Do not become a victim of ignorance, get informed!
It is the glory of God to conceal a thing, but the honour of kings to search it out (Prov 25:2)
Let’s not allow the enemy to exploit us through ignorance of the truths that are already revealed to us in His Word. If you havent yet started studying daily it is not too late. Join RACAD today.

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“A gift opens the way and ushers the giver into the presence of the great.” (Proverbs 18:16)

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