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Thoughts on 1Corinthians 15

Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand;

1 Corinthians 15:1 KJV

As I read this chapter, the phrase above kept re-echoing in my head. Wherein do I stand? As a believer, one is bombarded with so much on a daily basis and sometimes you become so overwhelmed as to what to stand for and what to let go of. You seem to be at the elastic limit but to stand is to not yield. Infact Paul puts it this way, that we are saved only if you *hold firmly* to that which we have heard and receive( verse 2)

Then the question arises, *what have we heard in the course of this year?* we are now in the month of May, close to the half of the year. Of all that has been preached, of all that we have heard, of all that has been written and have read- which ones are we standing in?

The Corinthian Church were bombarded with so many issues ranging from strife to carnality, divisions, immorality,etc, yet Paul affirms that against all odds they *stood* for the gospel. This was the point of difference from the church in Galatia who were quickly moved away from all that they had heard to another gospel when bombarded with pressures. Which side are you currently?

Life in itself is not easy, and no one is shielded from life’s pressures especially in a country like ours, but we must draw confidence in the truth that our *hope* is not just in our length of years on earth, but in the hereafter. Brethren losing sight of this is tantamount to what Paul describes in verse 19. As Paul at this point spoke to the Corinthians about the resurrection of the dead to rekindle hope in them, we also should be jolted in our understanding that whatever we labour to do for the Lord, including chosing to stand holding on to the gospel, will not be in vain.

So whatever good work you started at the beginning of this year and you are on the verge of giving up on, pls *Stand*

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