Table of Contents


1. Collections should be made for the needy brethren whether in the local assemblies or in the Headquarters church so that poverty, lack and want will be kept at bay in the Body of Christ. Verses 1-4.

2. Apostle Paul preached the Gospel in spite of opposition. Ministers of the Gospel should be courageous as the the apostles did. Verses 8-9.

3. There should be no schism in the Body of Christ. Honour should be given to whom it is due; whether young or old rich or poor in the sense of earthly possessions. Paul instructed that the church should not despise or look down on Timothy because he was a youth. We should not behave like the people of the world who give positions to people because of what they stand to gain. In the Kingdom the reverse is the case. God calls the nobodies and make them somebody. Verses 10-11.

4.Every Christian should be at alert, stand firm in faith, brave and courageous. Every action should be done in love. Verse 13.

5. Think before you act!

6. Look before you leap!

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