Table of Contents

Do you often face shame, disgrace, and any form of reproach? Are you struggling to make headway in your career, academics or ministry, are you finding it difficult to make money legitimately? or does it seem like your godly heart desires and prayers usually do not manifest easily until when you are almost giving up? What you need is the abundant grace of God.

A man who is enjoying grace does not struggle to achieve great feats, yes there may be competition, but grace will always single out its carrier for greatness. Grace is the supernatural ability of God that qualifies the unqualified and makes one achieve great results with ease.

If your life has been characterized by hardship, failure and disgrace, these 60 prayers for abundant grace will help turn things around for your good and you shall surely testify in Jesus mighty name.

Prayers To Grow In Grace

  1. Thank God for how far we have grown in grace so far. 2nd Peter 1:2
  2. Let’s thank God because even while we were still in our dead state, he saved us by his abundant grace. Ephesians 2:5
  3. Let’s ask God for the ability to continue in His grace that abides with us. Hebrews 13:9
  4. Let’s ask God for His Grace that supersedes all understanding. Esther 4:9-11.
  5. Father, let your abundant grace work with our destiny.
  6. Let’s ask for His Grace to be sufficient for us.
  7. Let ask that we will continually live and dwell in His abundant Grace. Psalm 84:11
  8. We receive the Help of God to grow in His Grace powerfully. Romans 1:5
  9. May we permanently be drenched in His abundant Grace. Lamentations 3:24
  10. As we wrap up, let’s thank God for the abundant grace at work in our lives individually and collectively in the family of Grace.

Prayers For Great Grace

  1. Let’s thank God for He has enabled us to experience His great grace. John 1:16
  2. May His great grace rest mightily upon us, this year and the years after. Eph 6:24
  3. Father Lord, we pray that Your great Grace begins to work with our being from now on.
  4. Let’s ask God for His anointing to fill our destiny with Great Grace. John 1:16
  5. Lord God Almighty, let your great grace pave way for me against all odds.
  6. Let the great grace of God upon my life condemn every evil done against my destiny.
  7. Every power speaking against the grace of God upon me, I neutralize it.
  8. I silence every stronghold of my Father’s house, speaking against the great grace of God upon me, I scatter them by Fire.
  9. Oh Lord, let all your plans of a great destiny come to pass in my life, in Jesus name.
  10. Oh Lord, accelerate my speed with your great grace by your mercy

Prayers For Sufficient Grace

  1. Let’s thank God for his grace that is always sufficient for us through Jesus Christ. 2nd Cor 9:8
  2. Lord, with sufficient grace, quicken the progress of my life. 2ndCor 9:14
  3. Oh Lord, let sufficient grace cause my entitlements in life to locate me. 2nd Cor 9:8
  4. Heavenly Father, we ask that your sufficient grace make obvious differences in our lives and family. 2nd Cor 12:9
  5. Lord, we ask for your grace that is sufficient for all your people to surround and cover us, and create an hedge of protection around us.
  6. Holy Ghost, barricade my surroundings with sufficient grace.
  7. Let there be an excess of your grace in our lives. Lamentation 3:22-23
  8. Lord God of Heaven, let no lack come near us, let us enjoy and exhibit your sufficiency.
  9. Your sufficiency will not be negotiable in my life by any lower in Jesus name. Joel 2:25-26
  10. Let your supernatural supply be sufficient for me and my family in Jesus name.

Prayers To Reject Disgrace

  1. Lord, my head and destiny will not reject grace. John 5:15
  2. Oh Heaven, release the favor of God upon me that I will not be rejected anywhere I go. Psalm 11:4
  3. Every destiny robber that wants me to work in rejection, I come against you in Jesus name. Psalm 11:6
  4. Enforce your grace and goodness in my life, that I will not be rejected, Lord.
  5. Let the mystery of God’s favor work out in my life, in Jesus name. Psalm 13:5
  6. Every power invoking rejection into my life, I stand against you in the name of Jesus
  7. Holy Spirit, help me to dwell in your secret place, thereby protecting and preventing rejection from coming in contact with me.
  8. Let the power of God arise in my favor and scatter every hand of rejection, in Jesus name.
  9. Every voice speaking rejection into my life, I silence you in the mighty name of Jesus.
  10. Lord God, inject me with your spiritual vitamins that will sustain me in these evil days.

Prayers To Tap Grace Over Your life

  1. Father, Thank you, Lord, for the ability to connect with grace. Eph 2:8
  2. By the power in Jesus name, I tap into the grace of God at work in the life of our father, Reverend PJA Olaiya.
  3. Father, through the greatness of your power, let me tap and enjoy the undeniable leading of the Holy Spirit in this season. Isa 48:17
  4. I decree rest roundabout in all my endeavors in Jesus’s name.
  5. O God, arise and make my life a mysterious wonder in the name of Jesus. Psalm 16:5
  6. Lord, set my feet upon your high ground in Jesus name.
  7. I surrender my life to Jesus Christ to mould me into what he wants me to be.
  8. I hold unto the blood of Jesus and I tap into the uncommon favor of God. Revelation 12:11
  9. I stand upon the word of God and I declare myself unmovable.
  10. Thank you, Lord, for you have helped me to serve you this far with your divine strength.
Prayers To Be Singled Out Of The Crowd
  1. Lord, thank you for singling me out of the crowd. 1 Samuel 16
  2. Lord, I ask for your awesome grace to radiate your glory in my life, thereby setting me apart from the rest of my peers.
  3. Father, through the greatness of your power, let the spirit of the Lord direct me.
  4. Father release upon me power to be singled out for greatness.
  5. God almighty, direct my path to be singled out for knowledge. Proverbs 3:5-6
  6. By the anointing of the Holy Spirit, let there be an abundant release of your grace in my life. 2nd Chronicles 15:15
  7. Father by the blood of everlasting covenant let me be singled out of the multitude.
  8. Let your covenant of exception work for me and my family.
  9. Father, thank you for the opportunity to enjoy your grace.
  10. Thank you, Lord, for your everlasting grace upon our lives.
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Genesis 8

Scripture In Focus: Genesis 8: 22 “While the earth remains, Seedtime and harvest, Cold and heat, Winter and summer, And day and night Shall not

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