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“And he arose, and went into the house; and he poured the oil on his head, and said unto him, Thus saith the LORD God of Israel, I have anointed thee king over the people of the LORD, even over Israel.” (2 Kings 9: 6).

When Jehu met the trainee prophet, he rose and went into an inner room. In verse 13 of our Scripture Reading, Jehu was on the stairs. So he was actually taken to an upper room. He went to an upper room before being anointed as king; he went higher before stepping into a higher position.

Friend, if you desire higher realms in life, then go higher like Jehu did. Go higher in your prayers, consecration, dedication and commitment to God; go higher in your competence and efficiency; go higher in your focus, discipline, passion, zeal, abilities, skills, etc; increase your capacity to deliver good results; do something higher than you have always done.

Higher levels are for men who cross the boundaries of mediocrity and commonality and step into excellence and distinction. Higher levels are for people who bear the inconvenience of going the extra mile to do what others are not doing; higher levels are for those who press beyond their limits and exceed the expectations of men.

God’s grace and favour may give you positions you are not high enough to occupy, but if you don’t go higher and improve yourself, you might lose what you have already received.

Jehu was already chosen by God, but he needed to go higher; so even when God has packaged and brought a higher level to your doorsteps, still go higher in strength and efficiency.

What you are doing may be good enough for your current level, but it may not be enough for your next level. So, step up your game; go higher in all your ways.

Pray With Me:

Lord, help me to go higher in all I do, in Jesus’ name!.

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“A gift opens the way and ushers the giver into the presence of the great.” (Proverbs 18:16)

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