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Thoughts on Mark 6

Two lessons stared me in the face as I ponder over this chapter.

The first is the sending out of the twelve in verses 7-13. After calling each of them, and they in turn responded by enrolling in His school of Discipleship, leaving all behind, they took their learnings from Him wholeheartedly. Going with him from coast to coast, they saw first hand the diverse miracles he performed.

Nothing shrouded in secrecy. He taught them all they need to know, privately, away from the distracting crowd who though press in for miracles, never stayed behind to hear the mysteries of the kingdom unravelled. To them, the parables were just enough for them.

The test time therefore came for the apostles to be sent out. Just as in every stage of learning, we are examined, to show our mastery of that course. Having been empowered, they stepped out with boldness!

He commanded them to take nothing for the journey except a staff—no bag, no bread, no copper in their money belts— Also He said to them, “In whatever place you enter a house, stay there till you depart from that place”

This was a test of one of the lessons Jesus had taught them on the Mount with him as explicitly outlined in Mathew 6: 25-33. Their faith was tested as they obeyed. Not taking a thought to what to eat, what to put on, or where to stay. This is God honouring His word to perform it in their lives. Whatever He has ordered, He definitely will pay for it. May the Lord satisfy our pastors and shepherds continually with all that pertain to their needs.

May the body of Christ be rid of all those that peddle the gospel for dishonest gain because of what they will eat. Jesus knew these were legitimate needs and it was the first thing he drew attention to.

He didn’t want their personal needs to prevent them from fulfilling their God- ordained mission. In verses 30, the disciples came back with a good report of their mission. I pray for our pastors and vision bearers that their ministry to the Lord will be full of testimonies,attesting to the good hand of the Lord upon them. Verse 31 is the joy that awaits a disciple on accomplishing a God-ordained mission,

And He said to them, “Come aside by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while.” (alone time of rest, rejuvenation, clarity of mind is required after a successful mission)

May the Lord grant our pastors rest on every side in fulfilment of the mission in Jesus name.🙏🏽

We must carefully note also how the verse ended. They were only to rest for a while before school resumes😊So despite the success of that mission, the twelve went back to school. No level of achievement should keep us away from learning, no matter the heights attained. There is no graduation from the School of Discipleship.

The second lesson is drawn from the pathetic story of King Herod who allowed his weakness to tame his lustful appetite and ruin his sense good judgement. In verse 20(NIV) we are told he protected John,knowing him to be a righteous and holy man and also likes to listen to John.

YET he ordered his death to satisfy his illegally obtained wife, who was seeking revenge on John for daring to declare the sinfulness of her relationship with Herod. This is the line towed by our leaders today.

To satisfy the whims of their cronies and perverse state actors, they jettison the voice of their consciences and perpetuate evil. May the Lord deliver Nigeria permanently from such in Jesus name. Amen🙏

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