Read A Chapter A Day (RACAD) Thoughts On Colossians

Psalm 12&14

Table of Contents

Epistle to the Colossians

1. Although Paul did not personally visit this church, Paul wrote to them

2. This letter is one of the letters written by Paul during his house arrest in Rome

3. The church at Colosse was a predominantly Gentile church with few Jewish cultural elites.

4. Background: The faith of these new converts was being distorted by Greek religions and mysticism on one hand while on the other hand, was threatened by some Jewish laws and customs. This was brought to Paul’s notice by Epaphras(described by Paul as a fellow servant and a faithful minister of Christ)

5. Paul addressed certain heresies such as;

• A strict obligation to certain foods and drinks

• A digression from the supremacy of Christ and His sufficiency for all

• A denial of the humanity of Christ

6. This Epistle to the Colossians is therefore an encouragement, admonition and warning to preserve true doctrine in the church.r

Starting a new month reading this Epistle no doubt promises great insights that are applicable to This Present House where God has promised us Greater Glory and peace( Haggai 2:9)

Please don’t forget to share your insights on each chapter as you read.


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