The book of Numbers- An Overview
Most parents can relate to the shrill whine of a young child which is usually characterised by slow, high pitched complaints that could really be annoying! Though the tone of voice may be difficult to bear, the real irritation is the underlying cause- DISCONTENTMENT and DISOBEDIENCE.
As the “children” of Israel journeyed from the foot of Mt Sinai to the land of Canaan, they grumbled, whined and complained at every turn. They focused on their present discomforts. Faith had fled, and they added an extra 40 years to their trip.
The book of Numbers, which records the tragic story of Israel’s unbelief, should serve as a dramatic lesson for all of God’s people. God loves us and wants the very best for us. He can and should be trusted.
Numbers also gives a clear portrayal of God’s patience. Again and again He withholds judgement and preserves the Israelites. However, His patience must not be taken for granted, for His judgement will also come.
May we always have confidence and never be ashamed before Him at His appearing. Amen 🙏