Thoughts on Numbers 5
..You shall put out both male and female; you shall put them outside the camp, that they may not defile their camps in the midst of which I dwell…..”
Numbers 5:3 NKJV
Leprosy, whether physical or spiritual is a destructive, debilitating and highly infectious disease. As such, the damning sentence on any carrier of the disease was total isolation. We also previously read this in Leviticus 13 and 14.
However, under the new covenant, Jesus’ blood presented us a better deal on all fronts. No more isolation, but a boldness to approach God’s throne of grace where mercy is guaranteed.
Taking a closer look at the law regarding the unceremonially unclean persons such as lepers, we can appreciate deeply the awesome miracle of Jesus in Mark 1:40- 45.
The Leper had his doubts, as he approached Jesus, probably anticipating a rebuke to come no further, knowing that according to the law, no one associates with a Leper. He therefore cautiously said to the Lord,
“if you are willing, You can make me clean”. In other words, he left the prerogative to Jesus to eithet maintain the status quo according to the law, or change the narrative by doing the unexpected.
Jesus moved with compassion displayed His willingness by *TOUCHING* this man. The Leper was cleansed immediately.
Beloved, if Christ was willing then, he is still willing today and will cleanse you of every uncleanness. On your part, you can chose not to maintain the status- quo by remaining in that leperous state, for Jesus has forever changed the narrative for us.
Jn 10:10b says…”He came that we may have life, and have it more abundantly”. Awake to righteousness and no longer walk in uncleanness!