Thoughts on 1 Chronicles 9
“But in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and silver, but also of wood and clay, some for honor and some for dishonor”
“Therefore if anyone cleanses himself from the latter, he will be a vessel for honor, sanctified and useful for the Master, prepared for every good work”
The journey through the book of 1 Chronicles from the first chapter till date has brought us in contact with the genealogies of Israel from Adam all the way down to their present state in Jerusalem. Verses 1-34 of today’s chapter is the climax to these, outlining the descendants of those who returned to Judah from the Exile.
An important lesson which keeps reverberating on my mind is the need to be careful of how we live on a day to day basis, being conscious that there is a record being kept of each of us. It’s only a matter of time, every man’s work shall be revealed. Perhaps if some of these men and women whose lives are bring chronicled in these chapters knew about this record, they would have made different choices as live presented them with different options on how to live.
Scripture is written for our learning (Rom 15:4, 1 Corin 10:11), so that we who are now reading may have hope and live better.
The verses quoted above draws attention to the responsibility of each person to determine what kind of record we want to be written concerning us. As vessels in this great house, are we for honour or dishonour, have we truly separated from anything that limits us from being used for every good work by the Master or may tarnish our records in the sight of He who knew us before we were conceived?
Our God is still a God of hope, and His purposes will surely prevail in our lives. As we continue reading through this book, may we find it as a great source of exhortation and encouragement in consistently walking with God. Amen 🙏