Bible Commentary Nehemiah 5

Psalm 12&14

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Thoughts on Nehemiah 5

“And there was a great outcry of the people and their wives against their Jewish brethren”.

Nehemiah 5:1

An economic crisis had struck before Nehemiah’s arrival. A famine, along with the need to pay taxes, had forced many families into insolvency. The wealthy Jews would lend large sums of money, then when the debtors missed a payment, they would take over their fields. Left with no means of income, the debtors would be forced to sell their children into slavery, a common practice at this time.

Unfortunately, this led to strife amongst God’s people and the work which external enemies could not stop (as seen in chapter 4), was temporarily halted. This is a strong message to us that disunity will hinder us from walking and basking in glory and we must do all we can to ensure we do not allow economic problems affect our unity as brethren.

Nehemiah’s presence emboldened the dispossessed to cry out for justice, for they saw in him one who would champion their cause.

After thinking over the their complaint, he confronted the issues.

He spoke the truth in love to the wealthy Jews who were in violation of Exodus 22:25.

Nehemiah right the wrongs as his action resulted in the reform of audit policies and redressing of past excesses.

Today, our country is facing a deep economic crisis. We are rocked with scarcity in almost every area. However, our confidence to weather the storm lies in God’s concern for the poor, which is revealed in almost every book of the Bible.

This is not a time for those who have to exert or take advantage of those that don’t, but to remember that fairness to the poor and oppressed is central to following God. The way we help those in need ought to mirror God’s love and concern. In contrast to the values of the world, God never intended people to profit from the misfortune of others. Church leaders especially should take a cue from the disposition of Nehemiah (vs 14-15) as it relates to the flock they are watching over.

We can draw inspiration from Acts 4:34-35, where the Jerusalem believers were praised for working together to eliminate poverty in their church.

…nor was there anyone among them who lacked; for all who were possessors of lands or houses sold them, and brought the proceeds of the things that were sold, and laid them at the apostles’ feet; and they distributed to each as anyone had need…..

Make it a commitment to do whatever you can to help those in need around you as we go through these tough times together.

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