Bible Commentary On Psalm 3

Psalm 12&14

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Reflections on Psalms 3

Psalm 3:3 “But you, O Lord, are a shield around me; you are my glory, the one who holds my head high”

When David prayed the words of Psalms 3, he was not sitting on his throne in a place of power; he was running for his life from his rebellious son Absalom and a host of his once loyal friends and associates who had turned traitors. (The events are captured in 2 Samuel 15-18)

As David fled, the conclusion of his enemies was that David deserved what he got, and surely there’s no help for Him even in God. Shimei was one of those who voiced this out in 2 Samuel 16:7-8. Their conclusion came against the backdrop of David’s past sin, in the matter of Bathsheba, leading to the killing of Uriah. His own son conspiring against him and hijacking the throne was in their calculation approved by God as punishment for sin and the last straw that will break the carmel’s back. But they were wrong!
Circumstances may be against us and open us up to unkind remarks from our enemies. We may even be tempted to think God has abandoned us. But David reminds us that the opposite is true.
When everything seems to go wrong, God stays with us and protects us. Halleluyah!

Notice also that although David was a man of war, had a tested and formidable army, yet he did not put his trust in his army. Instead, he depended on God’s Reassurances and Presence. These brought peace to him, knowing that there may be many devices in the hearts of men, but God’s purposes would prevail (Prov 19:21).
Sleep does not easily come during a crisis, and David could have had sleepless nights, but God made the difference, and he did not lose his sleep over his overwhelming situation.

Brethren, we can lay awake all night worrying about what we cannot change or chose to overcome our anxieties in our darkest hours by holding on to God’s assurance that He is with us as we pour our hearts to Him. In all things, we must learn to give Him thanks, for this is His will concerning us in Christ Jesus.
Jesus Christ, the same Yesterday, and Today, and Forever. He is in control and will lift our heads up above every challenge you and I may face or are currently facing….Let us therefore be of good Cheer as we keep holding on to His Word that we shall Walk and Bask in glory!

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