Gratitude And Thanksgiving To God For All His Benefits.
David expresses his gratitude to God by first of all asking his soul and all his components (spirit, soul and body) all that is within him to bless God and His Holy Name!
David highlighted the reasons for his thanksgiving to God in verses 2-5.
1.Forgiveness of iniquities .
2.Healing of diseases.
3.Redemption from destruction both spiritually and physically.
4.Crowning with loving-kindness and tender mercies.
5.Provisions of good foods to his satisfaction.
6.Renewing his youth and youthful strength like the eagle’s.
God’s Benefits For The Entire Human Race.
1.God’s vindication for the oppressed.
2.God showed Moses His ways (gift of men/prophet) to lead His people.
3.God’s people (Israel ) saw His acts (miracles).
4.God is merciful and gracious, slow to anger and plenteous in mercy.
5.He will not always chide (rebuke, criticise or blame somebody because they have done wrong) neither keep His anger forever.
6.He does not deal with us according to our sins nor reward us according to our iniquities.
7.The height and depth of His mercy for those who fear Him is as high as the heaven above the earth.
8.God removes our transgressions from us and keeps them far from us as far as the east is from the west.
9.God pities those who fear Him as a father pities his children.
10.God empathises with us because He knows our frailties.
11.God’s mercy is everlasting upon those who fear Him.
12.God’s faithfulness and righteousness extends to the children’s children of those who fear Him, keep His covenant and remember to do His commands.
13.God’s Kingdom from heaven rules over the earth so we enjoy His protection and provisions in abundance.
David is so overwhelmed with God’s goodness so that in verse 20, he calls on the angels of God to join him to bless the LORD.
In Verse 21, he asks the hosts of heaven and God’s ministers who do God’s pleasures to join him to bless the LORD.
Finally in verse 22, David joins all of God’s creation to worship, thank and praise God with him!
David understands the power, the magnitude and the degree of God’s forgiveness because of the degree of his involvement in sin but God forgave him all, that is why he devoted most of the verses of this Psalm to emphasise on God’s mercies and forgiveness. Verses 3,8-17.
This Psalm teaches us to always enumerate God’s goodness in our lives (count your blessings, name them one by one) says the hymn writer and give Him thanks for all of them!
Father, thanks for all your goodness ,mercies and loving kindness in our lives in Jesus Christ’s Mighty Name! Amen!
You have done so much for us! A thousand tongues are not enough to thank You!
Thanks so much Father!
Thank You Jesus.