Bible Commentary 1 Chronicles 1

Psalm 12&14

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Thoughts on 1 Chronicles 1

The long genealogy not only gives names, but also gives us insights into the lives of some of the people.

Verses 1-2 lists the 12 sons of Israel (Jacob), some of whom events of their lives are recorded in Genesis 29-50. The tribe of Judah from which line David came was highlighted in verse 3.

As we look at the epitaphs of the generations that were recorded, we are reminded that as we continue our life journeys here, each of us is forging a reputation, developing personal qualities by which we will be remembered. The question to ask then is, “how will God summarise my life up to now”? Scripture teaches that the way we live today will determine how we will be remembered by others and how we will be judged by God. What we do now does matter.

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