Bible Commentary 1 Chronicles 16

Psalm 12&14

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Comments On 1chronicles 16

This was the aftermath of the successful reception and return of the ark of the covenant back to Jerusalem.
Recall that previously in their attempt to take the ark back from the land of the Philistines, Uzziah lost his life. Note that all Uzziah wanted to do was to help. He didn’t mean any harm.
Why was his innocent help met with instant death?
David inquired and it was discovered that there was a proper laid down protocols that GOD instituted on how to treat the ark which was not duly followed. When they did it as prescribed, it was a glorious occasion.
Lesson here is that whatever we want to do for GOD must be according to HIS own way, not ours. Because of the Covenant of life in JESUS, we no longer experience sudden death like Uzziah’s so we might not easily know if our sacrifices and services are acceptable before the LORD. However now knowing this through these verses, it is now our responsibility to ensure that whatever we do in the name of the LORD must be according to the proper order. It is now left for us to find out the proper order and do it exactly, no adding or removing

In this chapter, we observe the overflow of Joy in King David as he danced before the LORD at the final arrival of the ark of GOD.
David could see beyond the physical. To him, it wasn’t just about bringing back an ark( probably that was why Micah couldn’t understand his dancing style🤷🏻‍♀️), it was the restoration of the glory of GOD back to the people.
Notice that David had the choice to do it quietly and low- keyed especially in the light of Uzziah’s recent death. The least he could have done to honour Uzziah was a low key ceremony and quietly do the proper order without fanfare, rather He did not allow that cast a shadow over this ceremony, he worshipped the LORD in dancing and I want to believe that in his act of worship, this song came to him.

We need to be careful about certain actions we take which we may not realize might actually be honouring man over GOD.

I remember when we had to go for a member’s service of songs, the bible study that day was very skeletal and reason was because of the service of songs. We all wanted to standby in solidarity with the family. Which is a good thing, but should that be at the detriment of a set order in the church🤷🏻‍♀️? Nothing should take preeminence over the due order already set in the church.

David, despite the recent demise of Uzziah, still chose to make the return of the ark a glorious celebration. He didn’t just stop at a glorious celebration but went ahead to institute a regular worship pattern. People might have felt that there was no need for such elaborate ceremony, at least to honour Uzziah, but not David, he chose to be elaborate in his worship.

It also happens that in moments of intense worship, we can receive songs from the LORD.
His song touched on 2 very important matters.
1. In verse 11, he implored the people to:
Seek the LORD
Seek HIS face forevermore
2. In verse 35, he told them to say:
“Save us, O GOD of our salvation;
Gather us together, and deliver us from the Gentiles,
To give thanks to Your holy name,
To triumph in Your praise.”

1. Two things that would make GOD’s glory abide in us are:
– Seek HIM, not once in a while, but constantly, progressively, always. Seek HIM and not man.
– When no.1(vs11) is properly put in place, then we can be bold to say verse35
2. No matter how much sacrifice we do( fasting, praying, offerings), if not done in the proper order, it will not be acceptable before the LORD. Lev10:1-2. Nadab and Abihu probably meant well as their offering was before the LORD but it wasn’t according to the proper order, just like Uzziah too. Let us ensure that we do not end up offering the sacrifices of fools which are not according to the proper order. Ecls5:1

Prayer points.
1. Oh LORD, open our eyes to see whatever we are doing that is not according to the proper order and have mercy on us and restore us.
2. Help us oh LORD to seek you and only you. To seek to know you more, please you at all times in the mighty name of JESUS.
3. Gather us together in unity as the body of CHRIST that all men may see that you are our GOD.

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