Bible Commentary 1 Kings 1

Psalm 12&14

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4 Remarkable Things Occured Here

1. By 1kings1, there was relative peace in Israel; David has been able to subdue all the neighbouring enemies, but now the once vibrant warrior King David has now become old and fragile.

2. Finding his father in such a fragile physical and mental health position, his son Adonijah did the following:

– mustered an army

– hosted the very influential people

– Sacrificed to GOD.

– Proclaimed himself king with support from Joab( David’s army general) and Abiathar, the Priest. Just like his brother, Absalom, before him.

3. Nathan and Bathsheba immediately informed King David, reminding him of his promise to make Solomon, King

4. David “immediately” began the protocols for enthronement for Solomon & Adonijah’s plan failed and he pleaded with the new King Solomon for mercy and he was forgiven as long as he behaved himself.

Points to Note:

1. King David loved his children and overlooked their excesses. Most bible commentaries regard David as a bad father. We remember Job who consistently would make sacrifices to GOD on behalf of his children, yet they still partied away and were eventually killed. Sometimes as parents, even our very best efforts may not save our children.

We can see an analogy between David’s love for his children and GOD’s love for us. There was nothing David would not do for his children, even to the point of willing to die in their place for their own sin.

GOD loves us and is ever willing to overlook our excesses if we are willing to repent. HE did give HIS life for our sin.

2. As great as David was, a time came when human frailty took over. As powerful as any child of GOD maybe, a time will come in his life, when he will succumb to frailty. Only GOD is all powerful.

3. It was public knowledge that Solomon would succeed King David as he elaborately stored up resources for years that Solomon would need to build the temple when he becomes king. The priests knew, the princes knew, yet Adonijah chose to take the throne by force.

4. Going by inheritance, the throne should go to the eldest son and Adonijah could be considered the heir to the throne. He was older than Solomon, He was the son of a princess, He was handsome and people loved him. He had all the attributes of a king and the law of inheritance favoured him. But the throne of Israel was peculiar because GOD was in control. When Saul wanted to make it a hereditary succession, he paid dearly with his life and that of his whole lineage. As far as Israel is concerned, It is GOD that determines the next king.

5. Joab and Abiathar, David’s very trusted allies failed him by aligning with Adonijah. Joab might have considered Solomon not qualified to become king, moreso when he knew that Solomon was a product of a scandalous relationship between David and Bathsheba.

To Joab, Adonijah had all the sterling qualities of a king.

6. Adonijah felt that he was entitled to the throne and by sacrificing to GOD, he has obtained GOD’s approval. No one gets GOD’s approval by ignoring GOD’s will. You can’t bribe GOD by sacrifice, yet doing the wrong thing

7. GOD’s grace is revealed in HIS choice of Solomon, the product of scandal, than Adonijah, a well endowed and by all means the heir apparent by inheritance. GOD can suspend protocols in order to make grace abound towards us.

7. Bathsheba and Nathan acted immediately.

8. Kind David acted immediately. It is crucial that we do not delay in redressing a wrong. Time is of great essence. Also it is wisdom to identify the right decision to take. David did not bother pursuing Adonijah and his plans but went straight to enthrone Solomon. That was all that was needed to settle the matter.

9. Note that had Adonijah become King, he would have killed Solomon, yet Solomon showed a godly character by forgiving Adonijah, though with a condition.

10. Finally, exaltation comes from GOD not fr our claims of entitlement or by our personal efforts and achievements..

When we choose to exalt ourselves, the end result isn’t always as we would expect. We should learn to wait patiently for GOD to do the exaltation

Psalm 75:6-7; James 4:10.

11. Trusted friends may fail, only GOD remains faithful.

12. The vision may tarry, the devil may use friends and family to try and thwart it, but at GOD’s time, it will come to pass if our hearts remain faithful. Solomon got the throne and his heart was not vindictive.


1. Dear LORD forgive us where we have allowed procrastination to steal our joy

2. Grant us the grace to pursue substance and not shadows

3. Teach us to wait on you to lift us up in due time.

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