Bible Commentary 2 Kings 21

Psalm 12&14

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2 KINGS 21

This chapter records the reign of Manasseh, son of Hezekiah and all his deeds.

This story will not be complete if we do not refer to the previous chapter.

In 2Kings20, Hezekiah, that great reformer king pleaded with sackcloth and fasting and tears for his life when the LORD told him that his time was up.

And GOD answered his prayers and extended his life by an extra 15 years.

By the next chapter, 2Kings21, Hezekiah had died and his son, Manasseh became king in his stead, aged 12 years..

This meant Manasseh was born to him during the period of grace that he prayed for and received.

Hezekiah, the father of Manasseh, sought to serve the LORD and carried along the people.with him, all the time of his reign.

Manasseh on the other hand, did the exact opposite. He went against the LORD in serving all manners of idol and carried along the people with him

How can a child differ so completely from his father?

He polluted the sanctuary and the land, so much so that it brought about GOD’s curses upon HIS own people which took effect way after Manasseh had died.

We are so blessed to have such chronicled events to guide us in life. The stories in these two chapters will cause one to pause and think deep to be wise and not try to change GOD’s will. It can only end in disaster.

Had Hezekiah submitted to the will of GOD, there would have been no Manasseh and who knows? the State of Israel will not be as precarious as it is right now.

Important Lessons

1. Sometimes because of our faithfulness to GOD, he can grant us prayer requests that HE does not approve of, especially when we are not ready to hear HIM out. Had GOD told Hezekiah, the consequences of his request, Hezekiah might not believe him because he would feel that it can never be possible; No son of his can prefer YHWH to Baal.

The same way Abraham prayed for Ishmael and GOD granted it.Gen17:6 ” As for Ishmael, I have heard you: I will surely bless him”.

2. From these 2 chapters, we should learn to be very careful what we ask GOD for, especially when it has been revealed otherwise to us. We can’t know the end from the beginning and if GOD has spoken otherwise to our will, surely, there is a cause that we may not be privy to. Leave it in GOD’s hands.

This reminds us of JESUS at the garden of Gethsemane. For just a little while, we could see that it wasn’t HIS will to go through separation from the father by way of the cross, but we saw HE didn’t insist on it. HE ended that prayer by saying, not my will but yours be done. Luke 22:44

3. GOD fearing parents can have children who turn out to be children of Belial.

4. Everyone will be judged by his own beliefs and action. Hezekiah will not pay for Manasseh’s sins; Neither will Manasseh be justified because of Hezekiah’s uprightness.

5. Our actions, whether good or bad is our responsibility because we have a choice.

6. Our actions of today have lasting consequences.

7. Satan never gives up. If he sees he can’t get to the father, he will try the children. Fight for the souls of your children

Prayer Points:

1. Father, grant me the grace to leave my life in your hands and no matter what be able to say, “not my will, but yours be done”.

2. Father, help me never to be enticed to serve other gods.

3. Father, Shield my family from the power of evil and give everyone individually an encounter

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