Today, we study 2kings 9 where the judgment of God on Kings Joram and Ahaziah as well as Jezebel were recorded.
“The Most High rules in the Kingdom of Men”
(Daniel 4:17)
Key Scripture
2 Kings 9:6
“Then he arose and went into the house. And he poured the oil on his head, and said to him Thus says the Lord God of Israel: I have anointed you king over the people of the Lord, over Israel”
Bible References
2 Kings 9:6
Daniel 4:17
2 Kings 9:24
2 Kings 9:27
2 Kings 9:33
Hebrews 10:31
Daniel 2:21
1 Samuel 2:6
1 Timothy 2:2
Proverbs 29:2
Reflection Number One
Israel sinned against the Lord through the Atrocities of king Ahab and Jezebel YET God did Not abandon Israel.
Eventually, God anointed Jehu to exercise Judgement of the Lord on the Household of Ahab.
Jehu was anointed and he supervised the execution of King Joram of Israel (2 Kg 9: 24) King Ahaziah of Judah (2 Kg 9 :27)and the Violent death of Jezebel.(2 Kings9: 33)
Folks, God is merciful & God is Holy, please DO NOT ABUSE HIS GRACE as Ahab and household did.
Do not Forget
It is a FEARFUL & TERRIFYING thing to fall into the HANDS of the Living God. (Heb. 10:31)
Reflection Number Two
Our God is the King of Kings and He holds His Appointees- Kings and Those in Authority and in High Office to higher standards!
According to Daniel 2:21, the Bible affirms that “God changes the times and the seasons: He removes kings and raises up Kings; He gives wisdom to the Wise And knowledge to those who have understanding”
The Lessons for Believers and Those in Authority is simple:
“To whom much is given, MUCH MORE IS EXPECTED!
This is corroborated by Hannah :
” The Lord puts to death and makes alive
He brings down to Sheol and brings up”
(1 Samuel 2:6)
We pray Lord that He gives us Righteous Leaders so that the people will rejoice.Amen
(Proverbs 29:2)
1. Father in Heaven, we worship you and confess that You are The King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
2. Help us Lord to live Righteously In Jesus Name.
3. Father, we pray for Kings and Those in Authority – Grant them Wisdom and the Fear of the Lord that peace and progress must reign in our nation (1 Timothy 2:2) Amen