Bible Commentary Esther

Psalm 12&14

Table of Contents

Character Of The Week- Esther

Although God was not mentioned in the entire Book of Esther, the central message and theme of the Bible, which is Redemption, is clearly portrayed. The central personality of the Bible, Jesus Christ, is revealed. Queen Esther reminds us of Jesus in several ways:

1. Esther lived in submission, dependence and obedience to Mordecai and King Ahasuerus, her God-given authority, even as the Lord Jesus, during His earthly ministry, lived in total submission, dependence and obedience to His Father God.

2. Esther fully identified herself with her proper and fasted for three days as she interceded to God on their behalf (Esther 4:16). Hebrews 2:17 tells us , “In all things Jesus had to be made like His brethren, that He might be a merciful and faithful High Priest.” As such, He both fasted and prayed for His own” (Matt 4:2, John 17:20).

3. Esther gave up her right to live in order to save Jews from certain death. For this, she was exalted by the king. In like fashion, Jesus gave up His life that a world of sinners might be saved from eternal death and God highly exalted Him (Phil 2:5-11).

Strengths And Accomplishments:

– Had beauty and character that won the heart of Persia’s king, and he made her his queen.

– Combined courage with careful planning

– Open to advice and willing to act

– More concerned for others than her own security.

– Esther reached an honoured level of society , like some other Jews in exile. Examples Daniel, Nehemiah.

Lessons From Her Life

1. For Esther, God’s favour led to position. This position led to provision and protection for the Jews. Recognise that favour is given for a purpose. Know that God grants seasons of favour for His people in order to extend His kingdom. Realise that God places people in positions to advance His purposes. Seek the welfare of God’s people anytime you find yourself in an advantaged position.

2. Esther reveals the power of a life unconditionally devoted to God and His people. Her radical devotion saved the Jews from annihilation by their enemies.

3. Courage, while often vital, does not replace careful planning. Esther’s courageous act gives us a model to follow in approaching difficult or dangerous tasks.

When faced with a hostile audience, confront someone on a delicate subject, rather than putting them off, we can follow the example of Esther by doing the following:

Calculate The Cost

Esther realized her life was at stake

Set Priorities

Esther believed that the safety of the Jewish people was more important than her life


She gathered support and fasted. As a Jew, this included prayer.

Determine A Course Of Action

She immediately contacted Mordecai and sought advice.

Move Ahead Boldly

She didn’t hesitate or second- guess what she needed to do. She went to the king uninvited.

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