Bible Commentary Ezra 10

Psalm 12&14

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The transgression of the children of Israel _ Judah and Benjamin led to their captivity which made Ezra the Priest to mourn, fast and weep for them.

Their major transgression was in marrying strange wives which was against the law of God concerning them.

The LORD had warned their ancestors against marrying strangers and the law should be passed down to all their descendants.

Alas! In the days of Ezra the priest, majority of the Israelites disobeyed God and took to themselves strange wives.

The people that were involved in this transgression were very many. They were about 112 people. These also had many children from these strange marriages. This act led to the corruption of their Godly lineage.

All glory to God that Ezra had a breakthrough after fasting and praying to God and the people repented. They agreed to put away their strange wives and their children! I know it was a hard decision but thanks to God they did!

Lessons Learnt 

1. It is always good to obey God and do the right thing from the beginning than to fall into sin and repent after the damage has been done.

2. The scar of disobedience is usually permanent.

3. Child of God , trust and obey, for there’s no other way to be happy in Jesus but to trust and obey.


Father, help us to always obey Your commands.

Father, help us to love You more than anything else in this world in Jesus Christ’s Mighty Name! Amen!

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