Job 19
Theme: Courage and Confidence .
Job was utterly devastated in his condition but his courage and confidence in God saw him through his moments of afflictions and trials!
Job was disappointed in his friends because they all attributed his sufferings to his sin. His frustration is shown in his speech to them in chapter 13 verse 4, “But ye are Forgers of lies, physicians of no value.” And in chapter 16 verse 2b, he said to them, “Miserable Comforters are ye all.”
He saw them as a wet blanket in his situation!
In this chapter 19 verse 2, he confronted them ; he said, “How long will ye vex my soul, and break me in pieces with words?”
He explained to them further in verse 4 ,”And be it indeed that I have erred, mine error remaineth with myself.”
He wanted them to understand with him that if it were because of his sin, he would have been conscious of it and it would have been sorted out since!
That means, anytime he errs, he knows it. He does not wait for anyone to tell him before he finds a solution to it; that is, repenting and asking God for forgiveness; but in this matter in verse 6, it seems like God has made up His mind not to answer him. This is quite strange to Job because he knows God as a merciful God who hears and answers prayers!
In verses 7 and 8, He said that no matter how hard he he cried for help, it is as if God has put up a wall between him and Himself so that he could not be heard.
In verse 9, he lamented and exclaimed that God has stripped him of his glory and has taken the crown from his head!
From verses 10-20, he highlighted the reproaches he has suffered from all his acquaintances; that he is repulsive to even his own wife and loathsome to the Children of his own mother!
In his desperation, he cried to his friends in verse 21, “Have pity upon me, have pity upon me, O ye my friends; for the hand of God has touched me!”
Job thought that God was the cause of all the calamities that befell him, not knowing that it was Satan!
Anyway, it was God who allowed Satan to do it.
His statement in chapter 13 verse 15 confirms it.
“Though He slays me , yet will I trust in him : but I will maintain mine own ways before Him.”
Supportive Scripture Psalms 24 verse 1, “The earth is the LORD’S and the fullness thereof, the world, and they that dwell therein.”
Even in all these things that befell Job, his love for God was still intact and his faith in God remained the same. This can be seen in this chapter 19 verse 25 , “For I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth.”
Verse 26: Job believed that if he dies now and his body is destroyed by worms that he will still see God in his flesh which God will give him.
It takes a deeper intimacy with God to understand this!
Job knew his stand with God. He knew that he was innocent before God and men that was why he vehemently stood his ground against the accusations of his friends.
1.Job was courageous! He didn’t allow his friends’ criticisms to disturb him.
2.He was focused. He pleaded his case with God and refused to be distracted.
3.He was confident in God. He refused to give up despite all odds!
4.When our way pleases God , no foe on earth can prevail against us!
Father, thanks for Your grace and favour in our lives!
Father, open the eyes of our understanding, let us know You more every day!
Father, grant us an unwavering faith in You, O God!
Father, increase our faith in You and in Your word that we might do exploits on the earth in Jesus Christ’s Mighty Name! Amen!
Thank You Abba Father!
Thank You Jesus!