Bible Commentary On Isaiah 23, & 24

Table of Contents


THEMES: Judgment, Humility and Eventual Restoration.

This chapter foretells the destruction of Tyre due to its pride as seen in Verses 1-14.
It’s rising again as seen in Verses 15-17 and its conversion to God in verse 18.

Tyre is located in the modern nation of Lebanon.
It is 50miles(80km) south of Lebanon’s capital city, Beirut. From a Biblical perspective, Tyre is about 105 miles(165km) north of Jerusalem.

Tyre and Sidon represent unrepentant cities as seen in Matthew 11:20-24 and Luke 10:13-14.

Tyre was known for their wickedness and idolatry and many prophets predicted doom on the city.
The prophecy against Tyre occupies three long chapters in Ezekiel.

Tyre was judged because she rejoiced in Judah’s destruction, thinking that it would bring further business to them. Ezekiel 26:1-2
Tyre means a rock in Hebrew. Its Hebrews name is Tzor.

The spiritual meaning of Tyre is the realm of sensation in man’s consciousness with it numberless thoughts and tendencies. This realm must be consciously entered and spiritualized by the Christ.

People of God, Tyre was judged due to its pride just like Moab in last Saturday’s RACAD. Let us all look inwards. Let us search ourselves if there is any iota of pride in us so we can get rid of it immediately!

Tyre was judged because she rejoiced at Judah’s destruction hoping that it would bring more business and more gains to them.
Child of God, do you rejoice at the fall of any brother or sister or your neighbour because you see him/her as a threat to your business? Be warned! Look at what happened in Ezekiel 26:1-21.

Father, we thank You for Your love and compassion for Your people!
Father, we pray that You rid us of any atom of pride in our lives in Jesus Christ’s Mighty Name!
Father, fill us with the heart of compassion so that we do not rejoice when any of Your children is in trouble rather we should mourn with them and rejoice in their time of rejoicing! 1Cor 13:4-6.
Father, help us to walk in love in Jesus Christ’s Mighty Name! Amen!

Thank You Jesus!


Today, we study the Book of Isaiah chapter
twenty-four where impending calamity on the earth was foretold.
We give glory to Almighty – Mercy and exemption from judgment still located the “Remnants.”


Isaiah 24:16 NLT

“Deceit still prevails, and treachery is everywhere.”


Isaiah 27:5 listed a sad scenario where “the earth is defiled under its inhabitants because they
1. transgressed the law
2. changed the ordinance
3. broke the covenant.

The Bible recorded the story of judgment and salvation in Genesis, chapters six where Noah and family were saved while floodwater destroyed the wicked!
(Genesis 6:19)

Also, Genesis 19:24 recorded that “the Lord rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the Lord out of heaven.”

Disasters are still raging as we approach the last days!!

The second book of Timothy, chapter three, verse three, states that” men shall become:
– Traitors
– Heady
– Lovers of pleasure

The consequences of spiritual treachery are:
1. Punishment
2. Judgment
3. Desolation
4. Curses
5. Sorrow

Brethren, the increase in abominations and iniquities are impacting our world, resulting in more disasters, such as hurricanes & tsunamis!

Sadly, believers also suffer losses when disasters occur!

In the midst of divine judgment, is there a way out- Yes!

The merciful God once made a covenant that the world shall not be destroyed by flooding!
Mercy in Action!
(Genesis 9 :11-14)

Indeed, mercy prevails over judgment (James 2:13)

There are remnants according to the election of grace (Romans 11:5)

Restoration depends on “RETURNING TO THE ALMIGHTY”
(Job 22:23)

The “Remnant” refers to a FEW that recognizes God’s sovereignty and provision.

“They shall lift up their voice, they shall sing; for the majesty of the Lord.” (Isaiah 24: 14)

The Church today serves as God’s REMNANTS. ”
Hallelujah !

Role of the Church:
1. Worship Jehovah
(Isaiah 24:14-15)

2. Avoid wickedness
(Job 22:23)

3. Keep His commandments
(John 14:15)
4. Compel them to come to the Lord
( Luke 14:23)
5. Stand in the Gap
(Ezekiel 22:30)

It is our reasonable service as the church to preserve the Earth as well as avert the “IMPENDING JUDGMENT” by standing in the gap.

Heavenly Father, we pray and seek your forgiveness. Have mercy, Lord, heal our land and save us from DISASTERS.
We ask in the Precious Name of Jesus, Amen
(2 Chronicles 7:14)

Isaiah 24:4-5
Isaiah 24:14-15
Genesis 6:19
Genesis 19:24
2 Timothy 3:3
Genesis 9:11-14
James 2:13
Romans 11:5
Job 22:23
John 14:15
Luke 14:23
Ezekiel 22:30
2 Chronicles 7:14

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