Bible Commentary On Isaiah 3

Table of Contents

Today, we study the Book of Isaiah 3, where judgment was pronounced on Judah and Jerusalem.


“Choice & Consequences”

Key Scripture 

Isaiah 3:10-11

“Say to the righteous that it shall be well with them, For they shall eat the fruit of their doings.

Woe to the wicked! It shall be ill with him, for the reward of his hands shall be given him.”


“It shall be well with The Righteous”

Consciously or unconsciously, we make decisions 24/7 that qualify us as “RIGHTEOUS” or “WICKED” by divine parameters!

The Bible submitted that : “It shall be well with The Righteous” and conversely, “WOE TO THE WICKED”

(Isaiah 3:10-11)

Proverbs 10:6 also declares that “violence overtakes the wicked”

Of course, the LORD is good and allows the “sun to shine on the righteous and the unjust”

(Matthew 5: 45)

However, the same God of Mercy insisted on parameters for RIGHTEOUSNESS!

He Is King & Judge

It is instructive to remember that our Lord is Judge, Law Giver, and King

(Isaiah 33:22)

He is also JUST & JUSTIFIER.(Rom 3:26)

From time to time, the people of God stray and receive prescribed judgment, which varies from captivity to exile-Isaiah. Chapter 3 is an instance of judgment on Judah & Jerusalem.

Brethren, it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God” (Heb 10:31)


The DAILY choices we make are CRITICAL – Please avoid wickedness!

Deuteronomy 30:19 recorded the CHOICE placed before us:

“I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life that you and your descendants may live”


1. Accept Christ.

It is ONLY IN CHRIST that our righteousness exists! (2 Cor. 5:21)

2. Obedience to The Word

Knowing & living the Word sustains the inputed righteousness from Christ

(Joshua 1:8)

For sure, obedience leads to righteousness

(Romans 6:16)

3. Avoid Sin

Romans 6:12 admonishes that:”Do Not let sin reigns in your mortal body that you should obey in its lust”

4. Show Mercy 

Indeed, mercy triumphs over judgment.

(James 2:13)

5. Speak life!

Death & life are in the power of the tongue, And those who love it will eat it’s fruit.

(Proverbs 18:21)


Father, we pray that by your grace, we be established in righteousness in the mighty name of Jesus.

Amen. (Isaiah 54:14)


Isaiah 3:10-11

Proverbs 10:6

Matthew 5:45

Hebrews 10:31

Deuteronomy 30:19

Isaiah 33:22

2 Corinthians 5:21

Joshua 1:8

Romans 6:16

Romans 6:12-14

James 2:13

Proverbs 18:21

Isaiah 54:14

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