Thoughts On Isaiah 46
“Remember the former things of old, For I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like Me, Declaring the end from the beginning, And from ancient times things that are not yet done, Saying, ‘My counsel shall stand, And I will do all My pleasure”.
Isaiah 46:9-10 NKJV
Our God is faithful – always and in every season of life, there is no variation or shadow of turning in Him. What He has spoken, He brings to pass. What He has purposed He will do.
Even though seasons change, God is not about to take a leave or walk away from the word He has declared to us as OVERCOMERS.
In our reading today, His voice resounds: “I will be your God throughout your lifetime— until your hair is white with age. I made you, and I will care for you. I will carry you along and save you” (Isaiah 46:4 NLT)
In view of these promises, we must overcome any form of unbelief which seeks to make a mockery of our relationship with God by hindering us from receiving or seeing the manifestation of the promises of God in our lives.
It is instructive that as anointed as our Lord Jesus was during His earthly ministry, He could not do any mighty works among His own people because of their Unbelief (Matthew 13:58).
One of the ways we can overcome is our willingness to carry out honest self-examinations in line with 2 Corin 13:5.
From then, we make adjustments where necessary as we continue the journey of fulfilment of our God-ordained destinies.
Having been assured of God’s unwavering commitment to carry us through the years ahead, it then becomes expedient, to deploy our weapons of warfare against false arguments that may arise (externally) or may have been built up in our hearts and mind in the past,
We must tear down the obstacles that are raised against persistently holding on to the knowledge of God that we have been exposed to across various platforms this year.
Taking captive any rebellious thoughts to obey Christ at all times.
Above all, being sensitive always to the Holy Spirit to know what we ought to do to press in into all that God has ordained for us in this season and beyond.
Thoughts On Isaiah 50
Main Verse
Isaiah 50: 4- 7
“The Sovereign LORD has given me the tongue of the learned to know how to speak a word in season to him that is weary.
He wakens me morning by morning, wakens my ear to listen like one being instructed.
The Sovereign LORD has opened my ears; I have not been rebellious, and I have not turned away.
I offered my back to those who beat me, my cheeks to those who pulled out my beard; I did not hide my face from mocking and spitting”.
Because the Sovereign LORD helps me, I will not be disgraced. Therefore, have I set my face like flint, and I know I will not be put to shame.
Isaiah 50 opens up with GOD admonishing Israel for their trangressions and rebellion. He reminds them of HIS awesome power in creation and rhetorically asks them if such creator can be deficient to save them.
Verses 4-7 gives us an insight into what GOD expects us to do, even with our body parts. Here, the LORD specifies the work our tongues and ears were put there for. Our tongue is not an ordinary tongue.
GOD has specially designed it and laced it through with words that produce wisdom needed to address the weak and helpless, among others.
How does HE get our tongues to have such wisdom? Spending time with HIM!.
Verse 5 explains to us the significance of our ears. Early morning as we wake, our ears should be put in use by making them available to GOD to hear what HE has to teach and instruct us.
With our ears, we listen to learn to be deliberate to allow what we hear to guide us. So when we speak, we can never speak out of line because what we say comes from the multitude of what HE has taught us in the morning time.
This way our ears and tongue work in line with GOD’s will.
Speaking GOD’s wisdom will definitely put us against the world system, and its reaction will be like a slap and a spit on the face. We should expect that. Notwithstanding, the LORD assures us that HE will help us through so long as we are determined to do HIS will.
This year of our overcoming, the LORD is assuring us that as long as we are determined and are willing to take the deliberate steps to spend our morning times with HIM to listen to receive instructions from him and do HIS will, HE will fight to ensure that we indeed overcome all odds.
Prayer Point
– Oh LORD, in this New Year 2025, help us morning by morning to wake to listen to you and open our ears to receive your instruction and grant us the grace to be strong to obey in the mighty name of JESUS, Amen
Thoughts On Isaiah Chapter 51
Themes: Righteousness, Trust, Hope, Deliverance, Salvation and God’s Sovereignty.
Isaiah wanted God’s people in view here ;the returning exiles from Babylon and those of Israel’s ultimate regathering to not be discouraged of their small numbers but realize that just as He did great things with Abraham and Sarah, He can also do great things through them as seen in verses 1 and 2.
This chapter gives the church and the people of God reason to expect comfortable times and certain salvation though they have many enemies according to verse 3.
Most of the verses of this chapter from verses 4-10 talk about the sovereignty of God ; His mighty acts: How He made the heavens and the earth, dried up the sea, the waters of the great deep : that has made the depths of the sea a way for the ransomed of the LORD to pass over. Verse 10.
God assures His people of their deliverance from their afflictions and salvation if they embrace His righteousness and put their trust in Him alone and not be afraid of man. Verses 7,8, 12,and 13.
Verse 11 is a song we used to sing in my former choir :
” Therefore the redeemed of the LORD shall return And come with singing unto Zion
And everlasting joy shall be upon their head!
They shall obtain gladness and joy !
And sorrow and Mourning shall flee away!
Therefore the redeemed of the LORD shall return
And come with singing unto Zion
And everlasting joy shall be upon their head!”
The whole of this chapter is summarized in this paradoxical statement : “Look back and go forward.”
Finally, God promised to avenge His people of their oppressors as seen in verses 22 and 23.
People of God, in this our Year of ” The Overcomers,” let us trust God alone for our ultimate victory and we will have gladness and joy!
We will have reasons to sing, dance and celebrate God’s faithfulness in our
lives this year in Jesus Christ’s Mighty Name! Amen!
Thank You Jesus!