Thoughts On Jeremiah 6
Theme: The Impending Destruction of Jerusalem Due to the People’s Persistent Disobedience and Rejection of God.
This chapter is a prophetic warning to the people of Judah about an impending invasion and destruction of Jerusalem from the North due to their persistent disobedience and lack of repentance emphasizing their oppression of one another and their rejection of God’s message, ultimately stating that their rebellion will lead to them being considered as ” Reprobate Silver” rejected by God as worthless.
The Prophet urges them to return to the “Old Paths” of righteousness as their only hope to avoid this coming judgment.
Key Points:
1.Coming destruction of Jerusalem.
2.Social injustice.
3.Rejection of God’s message.
4.Call to repentance.
5.Metaphor of “reprobate silver”.
Social Injustice
People of God, as God used Prophet Jeremiah to condemn the people for their oppression of one another within the city, highlighting the lack of care for the poor and vulnerable, so is God using His Servants in recent times to speak to the leaders of nations and those in authority to take care of the poor and needy people among them and around them.
Let everyone whom God has blessed in one way or the other learn to share and distribute to the necessity of the saints.
The blessings of God you have received is not meant for only you and your immediate household but also to the household of faith and the poor and the needy around you.
Pray for one another!
Care for one another!
Reflections On Jeremiah 7
Today, we study the Book of Jeremiah Chapter 7, where Almighty God commanded His people to obey His Voice and warned of consequences of disobedience.
Key Scripture
“Obey, my voice, and I will be your God, and you shall be My people.
And walk in all the ways I have commanded you, that it may be well with you” (Jeremiah 7:23)
“Obey My Voice”
Brethren, the Lord is good and plenteous in mercy.
Because of his mercy, He constantly instructs us.
Jeremiah 7:3 advises: “Amend your ways and your doings, and I will cause you to dwell in this place.”
Verse 23 also admonished us to: “OBEY MY VOICE”
Brethren, this principle is corroborated by the Prophet Isaiah :
“If you are willing and obedient, You shall eat the good of the land.”
(1saiah 1:19)
As we journey in life, the REALITY is that man shall not live by bread alone.
(Deuteronomy 8:3)
Our choices and decisions are best according to The Word of God delivered through :
1. The Bible
2. The Holy Spirit
3. Inner Witness
4. The Pulpit
5. Prophesies
6. Teachers
7. Counsellors
Indeed, to obey is better than sacrifice.
(1 Samuel 15:22)
Father, we pray that You create in us a hearing ear and the heart to do Your Will in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen
Thoughts on Jeremiah chapter 8
” I listened and heard, but they do not speak aright. No man repented of his wickedness, saying, ‘What have I done?’ Everyone turned to his own course, As the horse rushes into the battle” Jeremiah 8:6 NKJV
Today’s reading continues the word God began to speak to Jeremiah in chapter 7, having expressly declared that the One thing He required from His people was to RETURN to Him.
Making a complete u-turn from their backsliding to the ways He as commanded, so that it may be well with them. God gave them ample time to do this, but unfortunately, they failed to take the required action, thus missing out their season.
They failed to understand their divine destiny, presuming that the God who so loved them and chose to put His name upon them will not allow the Babylonians enter their territory to devastate them.
Unfortunately, this is the presumption that a good number still hold onto in our present day. Thinking…. God is love, He will excuse man’s weakness and overlook persistent wickedness.
True, we are in a dispensation of God’s grace, but for this not to be in vain, we must prioritize what He says in Jeremiah 7:22-23 NLT
“When I led your ancestors out of Egypt, it was not burnt offerings and sacrifices I wanted from them. This is what I told them: ‘Obey me, and I will be your God, and you will be my people. Do everything as I say, and all will be well!’”
The word of God is unchanging in nature and just as “That day” came to Judah exactly the way Jeremiah prophesied it, surely the Day of the Lord is coming again upon the whole earth.
Our Lord Jesus spoke about it, the apostles warned about it, and prepared or not, there’s really no stopping it.
For every eye shall see Him, including those that pierced Him. The question is, “Would you be able to stand before him unashamed?”
We have an opportunity yet again to remind one another of those events that will ultimately bring an end to the dispensation of grace, setting the stage for a time of great Tribulation upon the inhabitants of the earth.
No one will be spared, except those who are privileged to have been “caught up” to meet the Lord in the air.. He who has an ear will listen to what the Spirit is saying to the church.
Join us this Wednesday to know more about how to remain an over-comer (just as the Lord has told us we are) as we continue our study on Rapture and other End-time events. You will be glad you did.