Bible Commentary On Proverbs 25 & 26

Table of Contents

Main text: Proverbs 25:28

“He that has no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls”

It is interesting to know that king Hezekiah’s cabinet found this particular chapter of Solomon’s proverbs very important, so much so that they had to copy it out for themselves.

A careful review will show us why:

1. Advice on interpersonal relationships. People’s attitude tells who they are, and this will help you know those to avoid. Many verses in this chapter touch almost e rty aspect of human relationship

2. Handy everyday etiquette that will serve you well

3. Conflict resolution. Sometimes acting the fool will grant you grace before the LORD to overcome your enemies

4. Temperance, self-control, and humility

5. The importance of diligent study. Take time to do your due diligence before drawing a conclusion

6. The value of choosing one’s words carefully

7. The importance of having control of your own self and the consequences.

These are important insights for healthy living and survival.

Prayer Point

Oh LORD grant us grace to know to rule our spirit well

Thoughts On Proverbs 26

Theme: Fools do not deserve honour, reward and commendation but they store up for themselves the judgement of God and the disrespect and wrath of men.

This chapter comprises three main sections.

The first repeatedly refers to a”fool,” meaning someone lacking godly wisdom. Proverbs 1:7.

The second warns against being lazy.

The third condemns careless conflict, lying and warns against those who disguise their hate with words or cover up their hate with sweet words and attitudes.

Who Is A Fool?

According to Psalm 14:1a, “The fool hath said in his heart, “There is no God.”

So a fool is anyone who says, “There is no God.”

Dictionary definition of a fool:

A fool is a person who you think behaves or speaks in a way that lacks intelligence or good judgement.

Synonyms Of A Fool:

Idiot, halfwit, buffoon, nincompoop, blockhead, dunce, dolt, dummy, moron, dullard, imbecile, simpleton, ninny, jackass, etc.

Antonyms Of A Fool:

Genius, sage, scholar, philosopher, pundit, pandit, intellectual, savant, solon, old soul, brain, sensible, wise man/ woman, learned person, etc.

Faithful Confession

I am born of God! God made me in His own image!

I am the image of the Living God!

My God is the custodian of wisdom. I can never be a fool because God is my FATHER!

I have the wisdom of God!


Thank You Father for giving me wisdom!

I cannot be a fool!

None of Your children will be a fool!

We cannot be lazy!

We cannot be poor!

We cannot be liars because we are born of God!

Thank You Father for giving all Your children wisdom in Jesus Christ’s Mighty Name! Amen!

Thank You Jesus!


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