Bible Commentary On Proverbs 5

Table of Contents

Theme: Maintain Wisdom As A Priority.

This is a continuation of the wise sayings Solomon addresses to his children and students.

Here Solomon warns about the temptation to succumb to adultery. He points out the calamities of yielding to sexual sin and of violating one’s marriage. This warning is similar to the one given in Proverbs 1:8-10.

Proverbs chapter 5 is a warning against unbiblical sex and a call to Biblical sex.

Some Characteristics Of The Tempters Verses 3 And 6:




The Dangers Of Sexual Sin (ADULTERY/FORNICATION).

-Loss of honour Verse 9

-Loss of wealth verse 10

-Loss of health Verse 11

-Loss of life ( death both physical and spiritual; eternal damnation) Verse 5

-Bitterness,wounds and pains Verse 4

-Regrets Verses 12 and 13

How To Overcome Sexual Sin.

-Avoid going to the house of the tempter verse 8.

-Avoid being unnecessarily close (touching/body contact) 1 Corinthians 7:1

-Avoid being alone with the object of temptation in an exclusive place.

-Be legitimately married (no secret marriage)

Proverbs Verses 15 and 16. Supporting Scripture 1 Corinthians 7:2-5.

-Let your marriage be blessed by your parents and the church (parental /church consent is crucial) verse 18

-Sex is only allowed under the confines of marriage verse 17.

-Love your wife/husband passionately verse 19.

-Do not look at another person lustfully verse 20.

-Be satisfied with your spouse only.         Verse 19.


Father, thanks for the gift of wisdom to Your children!

Father, we pray that You help us to always operate with the wisdom You have given us.

Father, let Your wisdom be evident in our lives always in Jesus Christ’s Mighty Name! Amen!

Father, let Your word be our delight always in Jesus Christ’s Mighty Name! Amen!

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