Bible Commentary On Psalm 10

Psalm 12&14

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Reflections on Psalm 10

Psalm 10:1 (AMPC) “WHY DO You stand afar off, O Lord? Why do You hide Yourself, [veiling Your eyes] in times of trouble (distress and desperation)?”

In a way that is somewhat relatable to us when in distress, the psalmist at first speaks from his own pain. Because he hurts, he feels that God is distant. Job also felt this way in Job 13:24.

However, the good news is that even though the writer had honest doubts and queries God’s inactivity against the wicked, he did not stop praying or conclude wrongly that God no longer cared. In moments of distress, we must resist the overwhelming urge to resort to complaining, but step up our prayers as we tell Him our troubles and ask God to hurry to our aid.

Insights to the right perspective to wickedness and wealth in the society are also provided in today’s Psalm.
Now and again, it appears that the wicked flourish as they amass great wealth and are deemed successful. Many carry on with their lives as though no one can stop them, while despising God and His ways. Though we understand that wealth is not necessarily a sign of God’s approval on a person’s life, or the lack of it a sign of God’s disapproval, wealth or lack of it must not become our obsession.

We should also not become upset when the wicked prosper. It is important to keep in mind that even though the righteous can do little to restrain the wicked, we do not doubt that God triumphs over evil.
There is a certainty that because God hates evil deeds, He will repay the wicked by His hand, though they wrongly assume *He has forgotten… and will not require an account”.

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