Bible Commentary On Psalm 101

Psalm 12&14

Table of Contents

“I will behave wisely in a perfect way. Oh, when will You come to me? I will walk within my house with a perfect heart”.

Psalms 101:2 NKJV

Today’s chapter is a Psalm of David.

David anointed three times, and now as king over all Israel affirms his commitment to rule in righteousness. Each verse of the reading mirrors the intention of God on what governance should look like.

Oh how we long to see this same conscious commitment in those that are in positions of authority and bear the rule over us! Only then would we not see the abuses and confusion that pervade our land today. Prov 29:2 is a reminder that, when the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: But when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn

Sadly, some of the negative consequences of misrule highlighted in today’s chapter have also found their way into the household of faith today. Integrity is scarce, brethren lie to one another without remorse, deceivers are tolerated, and in some cases, truth is circumvented on the altar of immediate gratification.

It seems as though the bride of Christ has long forgotten that the Bridegroom is coming for a church without spot or wrinkle as permissiveness pervades the air.

In a subtle way, reminiscent of Ps 24: 3-5, today’s Psalm is a call to awake and be faithful to what He has called us unto as His own.

A clear understanding of the letter to the churches in the book of Revelation provides the much needed constant nudge in our journey of destiny that God is mindful of all that revolves around with respect to our profession as a people called out, chosen to show forth His praises.

Again and again, the Faithful Witness gave a true assessment and score card of each church, what they did right, where they missed it, and a recommendation of the remedy to their situation. He will have no one live under a false assumption or be self deluded.

The imperative is therefore on every believer in Christ to constantly carry out a self-check, the result of which should lead to a determination to conduct his/her personal affairs blamelessly like David in verse 2 of Psalm 101.

His grace will enable us in Jesus name 🙏

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