Bible Commentary On Psalm 150

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Thoughts on Psalm150

Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord!

Psalms 150:6 NKJV

As we close the final chapters on our current book, it is important to note that the book of Psalms parallels a person’s own spiritual journey through life.

It begins by presenting us with 2 roads-

•The way to life

•The way to death.

The way to death leads to deprivation and utter destruction. If we choose God’s way to life, we will face blessings and troubles, joy and grief, success and obstacles. But through it all, God will be with us, guiding, encouraging, comforting, and caring for us.

Knowing this will cause us to praise God for leading us in the right direction and for bringing us into the future He has in store for all who have faithfully followed Him.

As we continue our journey through life, Worship must remain an integral part of our lives. In the good times or in bad, in the highs or the lows, up on the mountains or down in the valleys, the circumstances of life must not circumvent the continuous praise of God from our mouths.

In Psalm 150:6, we are told who is to worship – everything that breathes*. The verse closes by restating the object of worship as the Lord (Yahweh).

Let everything that has breath Praise the Lord!

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