Bible Commentary On Psalm 52

Psalm 12&14

Table of Contents

Thoughts on Psalm 52

The world today is engulfed by increasing dimensions of cruelty, wickedness, and determined evil. Just when you think you have seen it all, you hear of much worse. Again and again, you hear and see witness abuse of power as many take undue advantage of their positions to lord over the less privileged. Also boasting in their mischiefs as though invincible.

Such may have been similar in David’s time as he penned down the words of this Psalm. He was however confident that because the goodness of God continues continually, good will outlast evil, no matter the dimension thereof.

In our contemporary times, Believers stand to benefit from viewing the wickedness around us through the lens of God

Saying like David , “I trust in the mercy of God forever and ever”, even through our pains.

The background to today’s Psalm is found in 1 Samuel 21:1-9 and 1 Samuel 22:6-22….

David had fled from Saul after Jonathan told him that his father was determined to kill him. He fled to the city of Nob, where he met with Ahimelech, the priest. Ahimelech knew not knowing anything about the circumstances surrounding David’s mission gave him Holy bread and the sword of Goliath.

Unfortunately, the chief herdsman of Saul, a man called Doeg, an Edomite was at Nob that day and saw them. Later, when Saul knew David had escaped, he sought the help of anyone with information about David’s whereabout. Doeg narrated what he saw but deliberately misrepresented the facts by implying David and Ahimelech had conspired against Saul. David captures Doeg’s role in

‭Psalms 52:2-3,

“Your tongue devises destruction, Like a sharp razor, working deceitfully.You love evil more than good, Lying rather than speaking righteousness”

Consequently,Saul ordered the slaughter of Ahimelech and all his father’s house, also didn’t spare the women, children and infants, donkeys, and sheep in the city of Nob. It was terribly gruesome!

Though David felt guilty and emotions weighed him down when he heard, he was persuaded that not withstanding the powerful and influential position of Doeg in Saul’s government , there is no escaping from God’s punishment as he declared,…‭ *God shall likewise destroy you forever; He shall take you away, and pluck you out of your dwelling place, And uproot you from the land of the living….

God has not changed, He is the same yesterday, and today and forever. It’s quite unfortunate that many today also forget this important truth about God.

Wickedness may abound, but the righteous can trust in God as their strength, taking solace in the knowledge that His goodness continues forever. Praise Him, for He has done it!

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