Bible Commentary Psalm 95

Psalm 12&14

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Thoughts on Psalms 95

Theme: A call to worship

Main verse

Psalms 95:6 – 7

Oh come, let us worship and bow down;

Let us kneel before the LORD our Maker.

For HE is our GOD,

And we are the people of His pasture,

And the sheep of HIS herd.

Psalms 95:3

For the LORD is the great GOD

And the great King above all gods.

Isaiah 55:8 – 9

For My thoughts are not your thoughts,

Nor are your ways My ways,” says the LORD.

“For as the heavens are higher than the earth,

So are My ways higher than your ways,

And My thoughts higher than your thoughts

Psalms 95:10

For forty years I was grieved with that generation,

And said, ‘It is a people who go astray in their hearts,

And they do not know My ways.’

The Psalmist in this psalms calls our attention to five things:

1. Omnipotence of GOD

2. Our response to GOD.

3. HE is our maker and shepherd.

4. The way of the LORD

5. The straying of the heart

He takes time to explain that the depth and height in creation are all in GOD’s power.

All HE wants us to do is to trust HIM as our shepherd to provide us with pastures. He compares our relationship with GOD as that of a shepherd to his sheep.

Our access to the “pasture” is by thanksgiving, praise and worship without which it is difficult to access his blessings

That is the way of the LORD.

We stray from the heart when we choose a different way to get HIS help.

This may seem strange to many. There are situations that the solution is just praise, thanksgiving and worshipping GOD, but the situation in the physical, it would appear reasonable to maybe pray and fast assert physical energy and human wisdom.

Most often, that is man’s way and response to situations, yet GOD says it is not HIS way and when we choose to disobey, HE considers that as we straying from the heart.

For 40 years in the wilderness, instead of that trust and worship in obedience and trust, the children of Israel were full of murmurings, complaints and dissatisfaction because they were trying to get GOD to get things done their own way and HE did not take it lightly with them.

GOD wants to draw our attention to the sheep who completely trusts his shepherd for sustenance.

No matter what the situation may look like, GOD expects us to bring it to HIM in prayers with thanksgiving, praise and worship.

By so doing we are truly showing that we trust HIM enough to bring forth the answers in HIS own way. Truly HIS ways are not our ways.

Take Away

1. Thanksgiving, praise and worship are surest way to get GOD to intervene in our favour in any situation

2. Thanksgiving, praises and worship are acts of obedience to GOD

Prayer Point

Oh LORD give me a sincere heart of worship in the mighty name of JESUS, Amen

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