Bible Commentary Psalms 21

Psalm 12&14

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Thoughts on Psalms 21

Psalms 21 concludes the cycle of the prayer and recognition of the help of the Lord in all his battles which was expressed from Psalm 20 vs 6-8.

The King acknowledged and attributed the victories from all his troubles from the Help he received from God Almighty – vs 2

Note that David consciously asked God for help, in vs 2 he also trusted and solely dependent on The Lord – vs 7 , because of these God loved David and did not allow him to stumble.

In addition, God honoured and backed the king up in all his battles! Psalm 18 vs 3, Ps145:18, Jeremiah:33 :3.

As a result God did the following for the King!
God withheld nothing David requested vs 2.
God gave the King success and prosperity (achievement and abundance).

He placed a crown of finest Gold on the king’s head. That is, his position as king was firmly secured, its not surprising, the King could not be dethroned even by his own sons and the counsel of Ahitophel did not work.
He had victory in all his battles and was crown with Honour, Splendor and majesty.

The Presence of the Lord encamped roundabout him, therefore he hay Joy immeasurable, no wonder he was able to praise and give thanks to God as we have it written in the book of Psalms.
His life was therefore preserved
And to crown it all, David had the assurance of eternal blessings.

The Lord dealt and executed judgement on all his Enemies.


The result of David yielding and accepting God’s guidance and the resultant effect is our portion also in LFF: THIS IS OUR YEAR OF WALKING & BASKING IN GLORY! – Hallelujah !!

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