Bible Commentary Psalms 24

Psalm 12&14

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Thoughts on Psalm 24

Who shall ascend into the hill of the LORD? Or who shall stand in his holy place?

Psalm 24:3 KJV

Rightly does God claim ownership of the earth, and all things in it, including the people because He founded the earth.(Gen 1:1)

Ps 100:3 further goes further… *Know ye that the LORD he is God: It is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves; We are his people, and the sheep of his pasture*

This knowledge berths a continuous longing in the hearts of they that are His to be in with Him, to rise above anything that seeks to hold one down – the cares, riches and pleasures of this life, which choke out the good seed He sowed in us and prevent us from being fruitful in every good work.

However, not to leave us in doubt about how we may gain access to experience His fullness, a standard is set in verse 4 of today’s Psalm.

He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart; Who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity, nor sworn deceitfully*

Scripture is telling us here that both the external (clean hands) and the internal (pure heart) must be turned in God’s direction rather than toward another source (an idol). In other words, our loyalty must be to God alone, whether in thought, intention or behaviour. Also giving attention not to deceitfully portray ourselves, for God desires truth in the inward parts (Ps 51:6)

Therefore, as we approach God, whether in corporate worship or prayer, we must honour the King of Glory so that we will receive blessing from the Lord(24 verse 5)

He has not called the seed of Jacob to seek Him in vain. Let’s remember that the earth is the LORD’s and the fullness thereof, and so He will not withhold anything good from us. The King of glory is committed to the word He gave us this year through our Father in the Lord, that we shall walk and bask in glory.

Who is this King of Glory?

He is identified in verses 8 and 10.

1. He is The Lord Strong and Mighty

2. He is The Lord mighty in battle

3. He is The Lord of Hosts.

The implication of this is that the King of Glory will not automatically come into our lives and space (He has given each person a free will to chose). It behoves us to chose to submit to His Lordship in all areas of our lives.

• He must be consciously invited to come into your life(heart) for the salvation of your soul. Titus 2:11

The King of Glory is the only one that can rescue us from eternal damnation because He has become our Lord.

• He must be intentionally invited to come into your space (situation) for supernatural victory. He is the One who is most powerful and invincible in any battle that confronts us.

• The Lord of Hosts (Hebrew- Yahweh Sabaoth). The implication of this is huge. He is the captain

– of all the angelic Armies (Lk 2:13)

– of the Armies of Israel (Josh 5:14), – of all the hosts of nations (Jer 3:19)

– of everything in heaven and earth ( Gen 2:1)

Therefore in spite of what the eyes see which are temporal, we have an overwhelming assurance that the gates and doors will surely be lifted at the manifest presence of the King of Glory. Halleluyah!

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