Answer the questions below with the most appropriate answers in the comment section:
1. What were the names of Abraham’s brothers?
2. What was the goddess in Ephesus called who was worshipped the most?
Thanks for your participation! Winner will be announced soon!
5 Responses
1. Nahor and haran bible reference Gene 11:26-27
2. The most worshipped goddess of Ephesus was Artemis of Ephesus. She was a unique local version of the Greek goddess Artemis, but her cult in Ephesus had distinct characteristics that set her apart from the traditional Greek deity
Thanks a lot for your participation. We greatly appreciate.
Answers to the questions:
1. The names of Abraham’s brothers are Nahor and Haran
2. The most worshipped goddess in Ephesus is called Artemis
1. Haran (Lot’s Father)
2. she was called the goddess Arthemis, Called Diana by the Romans.
known to give fertility and children.
Her symbols were, a bow and arrow, aquiver, and hunting knives.
1. Haran and Nahor Genesis 11
2. Artemis the God of Hunting and childbirth