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And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground…” (Genesis 2: 7).

In our Focal Scripture, God formed man. The word ‘formed’ is derived from the Hebrew word ‘yatsar’. One of the meanings of ‘yatsar’ is ‘purpose’. So, God ‘purposed’ man out of the ground. Man came into being through purpose; purpose was man’s starting point; purpose was in perspective as man was formed.

The man that would later rule over the rest of God’s creation was birthed in purpose; the man who would possess and superintend over God’s creation, was birthed in purpose. The man into whose hands God entrusted the Garden in Eden, was made in a purpose.

Friend, God says, you were made in a purpose; purpose was where you began; purpose was in perspective before you were conceived; purpose is at the root of your existence. God had a purpose for bringing you into this world; God has reasons for keeping you alive; your existence is within the confines of God’s purpose.

The purpose of man’s creation was not determined by Adam and Eve; it was determined by God. The purpose of every creation is determined by the Creator. If you wish to fulfill God’s plan for your life, ask Him to open your eyes to His purpose for making you. God’s purpose for your life transcends what you want to achieve for yourself; it’s about who God wants you to be.

Live within the confines of God’s purpose for your existence. Live for God’s will and pleasure. Live in the awe of Him who determined the purpose of your existence; live like one who was created for a purpose.

If you care less about God’s purpose for creating you, you’re telling God that He has no reason to keep you here on earth. A life that is ignorant or uninterested in God’s purpose is in danger of being cut short.

Pray With Me:

Lord, help me to discover and live for the purpose You had in mind for creating me, in Jesus’ name!.

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