Entering Into Your New Beginning By Pst. Moses Olajide

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This day I will be speaking to you about “Entering Into Your New Beginning

In the calendar of living Faith Foundation, December is a time of our new beginning.

Turn your bible to Isaiah 43:18-19, read this scripture assertively and boldly to and for yourself and your family

Remember ye not the former things, neither consider the things of old, behold I will do a new thing, now it shall spring forth, shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert” Isaiah 43:18-19 KJV

Isaiah by the Holy Spirit began to speak certain things here which by the grace of God I intend to shed light on.

we are going to examine, and look very closely, into these two verses of the scripture, I trust God that the Lord will open your eyes of understanding in Jesus name

When we are talking about entering into your new beginning, it simply means the door is already open, but you will agree with me that if the door is opened, and you don’t enter into it, you won’t get into the reality of it.

I pray again that the Lord will open the eyes of your understanding and you will enter into your door of new beginning in Jesus name

New beginning means a time to start all over again, it also means entering into a new era, or a new dawn, it means entering into your alpha if you will, it means launching into the reality of what God has said, and God has spoken very expressly that in this new year, we will walk in glory in Jesus mighty name

Moses entered into his new beginning at the age of 80 years.

His first 40 years was in Egypt, his second set of 40 years was when he ran away from Egypt and his last 40 years was when he had an encounter with God and it became his new beginning, I pray that you shall encounter God and enter into your new beginning in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

Isaiah in his discuss, said certain things we need to examine

The first thing that scripture said is ” Remember ye not the former things neither consider the things of old”,

What You Need To Do To Enter Your New Beginning

So for a man to be able to enter his new beginning, for a man to be able to enter into the door that is open before him, the first thing he needs to do is to break away from the past, because if you do not break away from the past, then you will not be able to enter into your new beginning, what are those things that happened in your past? You need to break away from them.

You must break free from your past failures; you know many of us have failed at one point or the other in the past.

Your past mistakes; you must break away from them, you must also break away from your past disappointments, your past grieves and pain, your past offences, your past guilt, your past discouragements, your past fears, your past depression, and your past rejection,

Some people have experienced rejection even from the womb, because their parent never wanted to have them, and though their parent did everything to get rid of them in the womb, they still came to be, for some children, obstacles were put in their way from the womb to make sure their parent didn’t give birth to them but somehow the children came through pushing aside the obstacles, so just like those children, you may have been rejected even from the womb, and you may have faced rejection from either or both of your parent, for a very long time, until you break away from your past, the new beginning will not start.

You must break away from your past bitterness, those things that made you bitter, break away from them, you must break away from your past memories, those things that preoccupied your mind, you must break away from them

You must break away from your past mentality, one of the problems of the children of Israel was that even though God had given them a new beginning, they were still having the mentality of Egypt and thats why they kept remembering the onions, the garlics,  and cucumber of Egypt, initially i personally thought there was something special with these Vegetables and fruit, but i discovered that there was actually nothing special about them the only problem was that the Israelites didn’t break away from their slavery mentality and until a man breaks away from his slavery mentality, he cannot enter into royalty.

Until you break away from those things that holds you bound, you cannot enter into your freedom,

You must even break away from your past achievements.

Speaking of the woman caught in adultery, in John 8:1-9, the bible says she was caught in the very act of adultery, but you and i know that it takes two to tangle, which means she couldn’t have been committing the adultery all by herself, a man was involved.

Most probably those who bought her to Jesus were bribed by the man she committed adultery with, so they let him off the hook and then brought this woman alone.

They told Jesus: Moses in the law said this woman should be stoned to death by law considering what she has done, and Jesus did not answer them, rather He stooped to the ground and was writing,

I guess what he was writing, is: “Nicodemus, last week when you went to Dubai, i know where you lodged, Simon when you went to the UK for Summer, without your wife, I saw everything that happened”, and as Christ was writing, they all left the woman from the least of them to the greatest, so what happened in this scene, as Jesus wrote on the floor, their consciences became so heavy that the stones in their hands became irrelevant that they threw away the stones

Jesus lifted up His face and asked her: “Where are your accusers?” She said: “they are all gone my Lord” and Jesus Christ said: “Neither do I condemn you, go and sin no more”.

So in other words, Christ was saying to the woman: there’s a new beginning for you, I decree today concerning you, no matter how rascally you have been in the past, a new beginning awaits you in Jesus mighty name

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