Table of Contents


Introduction of the GOD of creation and Man

“And GOD blessed them, and GOD said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth. [Genesis 1:28]

In Genesis1 we are introduced to the three most powerful personalities in creation and their interrelationship in the affairs on life on earth. These personalities are GOD, the HOLY SPIRIT & Man.

1. We met GOD at the beginning as being there before the beginning.

2. We met GOD in the midst of a formless void and dark world.

3. We also met the HOLY SPIRIT as an active participant in the story of creation, moving in tandem with GOD.

4. HE was not daunted by the situation. He did something about it; HE spoke into the situation what HE wanted the situation to be

5. He did things bit by bit; HE thoroughly dealt with each according to their kind and continued to their conclusion before moving to the next. We see the infinite power of GOD in action in the kind of things HE chose to create and determine their purposes and limitations, establishing structures, determining times and seasons, despite all odds.

6. HE was meticulous and intentional about every task, whether great or small and carried out each task to its conclusion; – and it was so,

7. He also did an evaluation of HIS work at each stage – and GOD saw it was good….

8. There was a pattern and design in all the things He created, – HE made and separated each thing according to its kind. HE separated the light from darkness; the dry land from the waters and the living things according to their kind ( Vs11,12)

9. It is noteworthy that in creating things after their kind, Man was also created after his kind? What is his kind? The likeness of GOD and in HIS image. So this tells us that we too are created after our kind; and our kind is GOD.

10. In Genesis, we discover that everything GOD made had a purpose and it is GOD that determines the purpose and all that is needed to achieve that purpose, GOD has provided inherent in the creation. From day of creation tIll date, the sun, the moon, the days, the night, the seasons and so on are all keeping to purpose.

11. GOD did not just create us with a purpose; HE went ahead to pronounce a blessing that will enable us achieve the purpose. (vs22,28)

The above ten bullet points reveal a lot about who GOD is and our relationship with HIM.

1. We are made after a likeness – our likeness is patterned after GOD – for a purpose that GOD has blessed us to achieve. All we need is to closely study GOD to know and apply the pattern our kind uses to handle situations. How?

2. We understand from genesis chapter 1 that whatever situation we may find ourselves, no matter how hopeless, unattainable and far gone it might appear to us, GOD has seen it from the onset (even before the beginning); & has blessed us to handle it.

3. GOD is showing us that we can speak to that situation with expectation just as HE did, despite the nature of the situation and how long it has lasted

4. It is showing us how to approach “big “ matters. Take a bit at a time and handle things according to its kind and meticulously carry it out to conclusion till we declare it as good.

5. We are created after the likeness and image of GOD to be able to do things just like HIM, the way HE wants it done, following a laid down pattern.

6. Only GOD who created us can guide us to the purpose not only of our lives but for any other thing we might want to do.

7. The song that comes to mind as I read this chapter again is “ creator of the universe, what cant HE do, what cant HE change, JESUS?!

My prayer is that we realize that GOD has created us with a purpose; it is the blessing that enables us to achieve that purpose.

It is a new year and a new beginning; May we begin even in this new year to operate with the blessing GOD has pronounced over our lives in the mighty name of JESUS, Amen.

Contributor: Sis Wendy Uwajeh

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