Table of Contents

Lessons From Genesis 3


Strengths and accomplishment

• the first person made in the image of God and the first human to share an intimate personal relationship with God

• Father of the human race

• the first zoologist (he named all animals)

• the first landscape architect placed in the garden to care for it.

Weaknesses and mistakes

• Teamed up with Eve to bring sin into the world

• Avoided responsibility and blame others. Made excuses rather than admitting the truth.

What can we learn from the story of Adam and Eve?

• Life is all about choices. God grants us free will to choose between right and wrong, good and evil, drawing closer to God or pulling away from Him, etc.

• Free will can lead us to sin. In exercising or free will, we must be careful what we expose ourselves to so as not to fall short of God’s glory life Adam and Eve

• Every choice we make will yield its consequence. Although Adam ate the fruit because of Eve and Eve ate it because of the serpent, God punished all of them.

• We should hold ourselves accountable for our choices and actions. We are not told that Adam took responsibility when God asked them who told them they were naked, instead, the blame game started. Adam blamed Eve, Eve blamed the serpent.

• We were created to work. “God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it” Gen 2:15 (NIV). Eve joined him in this assignment too. There is no justification for a Christian not to work or chose to be lazy. Jesus again showed us an example in Jn 9:4 ….I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work.

• We are responsible for the Earth. Mankind has been given authority to exercise dominion on earth. God will not do anything here without man, and in the same way, man cannot do anything without God.

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