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Scripture In Focus: Genesis 8: 22

“While the earth remains,
Seedtime and harvest,
Cold and heat,
Winter and summer,
And day and night
Shall not cease.”

1. Our God is a Covenant Keeper
2. God’s word is Immutable
3. The Law of Seed Time & Harvest is at work
4. Life is in Seasons

1. Our God is a Covenant Keeper (SEMPER EADEM (- Ever The same)
A major Attribute of Our God is that He is the Unchangeable Changer!
We gladly serve this Good God because He is unchanging in His Character, Will and Covenant Promises. The Scriptures testify of Our God according to
Malachi 3:6 – For I The Lord do not Change; therefore you, O Children of Jacob are not consumed.

2. God’s word is Immutable (Hebrews 6: 18 – 19 The Amplified)
So that by two unchangeable things( His Promise & His Oath) in which it is
impossible for God to lie, we who have fled (to Him) for refuge would have string encouragement and indwelling strength to hold tightly to the hope set before us. God in his Word has set established a LAW = The Law of Harvest

3.The Law of Seed, Time & Harvest is at work in Life of The Believer
(i) A Seed is required before Harvest
(ii) The Word of God is a SEED (Matt 13:14)
(iii) Jesus is a SEED ( Rom 1:3)
(iv) TIME stands between SEED & HARVEST -The Season to sow the SEED is
different than the season toHARVEST (Gen 8:22)
(v) The giver of SEED is Almighty God Himself (2 Cor 9:10)
(vi) It is possible to eat a SEED rather than sow (2 Cor 9:10)
(vii) Other Variables can affect the YIELD of the HARVEST (Matt :13 1-9) (viii) The HARVEST is Greater than the SEED
(ix) The Sower must be WATCHFUL for the SEED to survive
(x) Today’s HARVEST is a Carrier of Future SEED

4. Life is in Seasons

According to Ecclesiastes 3: 1, “To Everything there is a Season and a Time for every Matter and Purpose under Heaven”

Our Prayer is that Almighty God that created the Seasons – Cold or Heat,
Winter or Summer, Day or Night will give us Understanding to optimise the Essence and Purpose of each season in our lives.
In Jesus Name. Amen.

As shared by:
Elder Okelola.

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