Healing Prayers For Heart Disease

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Psalm 121:1- “I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. 2 My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth”.

Do you have a cherished friend currently dealing with heart disease? Have the healthcare professionals conveyed unfavorable information concerning their well-being? Are you on the brink of throwing away your hope regarding your friend’s health? Before considering to give up, I will plead that you partake in these potent healing prayers for heart disease.

While the medical professionals may have provided their assessment, it is paramount to acknowledge that the word of God has assured the wellness of your beloved even before he or she became ill.

The Scriptures says, “I am the Lord who heals you” (Exodus 15:26), not only this, scripture further assured that through the suffering borne by Jesus Christ, healing has been bestowed upon us (Isaiah 53:5).

Truly,  this is a challenging period for you and your beloved, however, it is apparent that, presently, only the divine intervention of God can preserve the life of your loved one. It is reassuring to understand that God’s steadfast promises holds true, because He remains faithful to His Word (Psalm 138:2).

 In case you’re still in doubt as to whether God’s Word will heal your loved one or not, remember it is stated in scripture that God honors His Word above His name?

This means that when God makes a promise, it will certainly come to pass, He guarantees that His Word will not return to Him without fulfilling the purpose for which it was sent (Isaiah 55:11). Therefore, you need to pray and place your trust in God for the well-being of your loved one.

You may currently be considering, “but, we have been engaged in prayers.” I fully comprehend your perspective, yet it is imperative not to relent. The scriptures advocate for persistence in requesting, and persevering in our efforts (Matthew 7:8). Rest assured that you shall ultimately find answers to your prayers in the powerful name of Jesus Christ. Let us now proceed to engage in prayer.

Healing Prayers For Heart Disease

1. Oh Lord, I am deeply grateful for Your unwavering faithfulness and kindness that You have showed me and my family.

3. I give you thanks Lord for Your boundless love towards my dear ones and for Your continuous protection over their lives.

4. I acknowledge Your mercy in sparing the life of my beloved, and I am grateful for the perpetual peace that You are bestowing upon her. In Jesus’ name

5. I express my gratitude for the individuals whom you have gathered to accompany her during this challenging period.  Thank you, Jesus.

6. Lord Jesus, I am thankful for the healthcare professionals who are presently working on her case.

7. I acknowledge your supernatural provision of finances for her medical care. Thank you, Jesus.

8. Lord, I am thankful because I am aware that nothing is beyond your capability. Thank you, Jesus.

9. Father, I praise your name for I know that you hold authority over all human affairs. All glory to you, Lord Jesus.

10. I offer my gratitude to you, Lord, for your benevolent thoughts towards us, which are filled with goodness and lead us towards a positive outcome, in the name of Jesus.

11. Heavenly Father, I humbly seek your mercy for all the ways in which I have transgressed and fallen short of your glory, in the name of Jesus.

12. Lord, I implore your mercy for all the instances in which I and my family have harbored feelings of disbelief, doubt, and fear in this matter, in the name of Jesus.

13. Father, I request that you extend your mercy to my loved one, battling with heart disease, in the name of Jesus.

14. Lord, I ask for your forgiveness for my lack of complete trust in you in this situation. May your mercy speak for me, in the name of Jesus.

15. Father, I humbly request that you bring about divine healing for my beloved in the powerful name of Jesus Christ.

16. May her heart be restored to its normal state in the powerful name of Jesus Christ.

17. Oh Jesus, the most skilled surgeon, please carry out a divine operation on her heart speedily

18. Grant her renewed strength each day during this season of her life in the powerful name of Jesus Christ.

19. Lord, please instill in her a renewed sense of hope and faith in you in the powerful name of Jesus Christ.

20. Let her experience a life changing encounter with your immense power even on her sick bed, in the powerful name of Jesus Christ.

21. Father, please grant swift healing for her in the powerful name of Jesus Christ.

22. Lord, may negativity come to an end in her life and her family in the powerful name of Jesus Christ.

23. May every affliction against her health cease in the powerful name of Jesus Christ.

24. Let all those who are anticipating her death be deeply ashamed in the powerful name of Jesus Christ.

25. Oh Lord, prevent the enemy from finding joy over her life in the powerful name of Jesus Christ.

26. Assist her in clinging steadfastly to you during this period of her life in the powerful name of Jesus Christ.

27. I respectfully request your guidance, Father, for the medical professionals to make wise decisions and take appropriate actions in the name of Jesus Christ.

28. I proclaim that no harm will come to my loved one in the powerful name of Jesus Christ.

29. May the peace of the Lord always surround her in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

30. I express my gratitude to you Jesus for graciously hearing and answering my prayers, in His name.

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