How To Receive Answer To Prayers Fast

Table of Contents

Thoughts On Psalm 28

The Power Of Answered Prayers

Psalm 28:1 “Unto thee will I cry, O LORD my rock; be not silent to me: Lest, if thou be silent to me, I become like them that go down into the pit.”.

In Psalm 28, David cried out to God for His attention and help, he pleaded earnestly that God should hear Him whenever he lifts up his voice in prayers and supplication, lest he goes down into the pit.

Why was David crying out to God for his attention? It is because he desires a great divine force called: The power of answered prayers!

We must desire God’s grace and power for answered prayers, because without the grace for answered prayers, praying will become a fruitless exercise.

Our desires will speedily come to manifestation when God gives us the grace for answered prayers

A believer without the grace for answered prayers may become frustrated and less interested in the affairs of life

Every good thing we ever desire according to the will of God is guaranteed and assured when there’s grace and power for answered prayers.

Importantly, to receive fast answers to your prayers from God, you must ensure to establish and maintain a good communication system between you and God.

You will agree with me that a child who does not know how to communicate with his or her parent will less likely get what he or she wants but the one who knows how to communicate with his parents and actually communicates with them daily, will most likely get his requests done.

In the same way, for God to really release the grace and power for answered prayers to you, He must be able to trust you, you must be someone whom God can vouch for, that you wouldn’t use the power and grace He’s giving you to destroy yourself or others, so how can you earn this trust?

You must communicate with Him daily through the study and meditation of the Word of God, and daily prayers.

Just as the Psalmist said early in the Morning, will I lift my voice to you

When you communicate with God regularly and understand His mind and will for you, (ye may know the will of God) then as the Psalmist says, Help, strength and divine provision and promotions are all evidences of answered prayers.

There are other scriptures in the Bible which guarantees that when we call He shall answer us, to tap into the realm of answered prayers: we must study, believe in, and confess these scriptures from time to time.

Scriptures That Guarantees Answers To Prayers

– Jeremiah 33:3 “Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not”.

– Isaiah 65:24 “And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear”.

Beloved this season, let’s ask God for the power and grace for swift answers to prayers, as this is an important factor that guarantees that our prayers will not be in vain.

Let’s pray:


Father your word assures me that when I call you shall answer me, I ask this day for the grace and power for answered prayers, that whenever I call, speedy answers shall come for me in Jesus name.

Lord your Word in Job 28:28 says I shall decree a thing and it shall be established, Father whenever I stand in the place of prayers to make declarations according to your will, let there be speedy answers for me in the mighty name of Jesus Christ

Lord Jesus I ask and receive the anointing for answered prayers, in Jesus name

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