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Then Samuel took the horn of oil, and anointed him in the midst of his brethren: and the Spirit of the LORD came upon David from that day forward…” (1 Samuel 16: 13).

Before David was anointed as King, he kept his father’s sheep in the bush. His brothers were at home, but he was in the bush; they were advantaged, but David seemed disadvantaged; they had comfort at home while he endured the discomfort of wild animals in the bush. They were privileged, but David didn’t seem privileged.

Notice that David later became King. After his days in the bush, he stepped into royalty. His story didn’t end in the bush; his obscure location and disadvantage did not stop him from becoming King; God chose to raise him, and the bush couldn’t hold him back; he may have seemed stuck in the bush, but his time was coming.

Friend, God says, your time is coming; your story won’t end in the bush; your life won’t end in obscurity; your disadvantages won’t have the final say in your destiny; the things that are not working in your favour will not stop what God is planning for you; your disadvantages will not stop God from taking you to the next level; from your ‘bush’, you will step into your ‘palace’.

Look beyond your ‘bush’ experience and expect your ‘palace’. Your time is coming; you may be obscure now, but that is not how your story will end; you may seem disadvantaged now, but it’s only for a while; you may appear stuck at the same level for some time, but soon, everything will turn around.

Don’t lose hope because you have tarried in the bush. Those who have written you off are in for a shocker; they will keep saying that you are still in the bush, until they discover that you have since moved to the palace. The bush may be your starting point, but you won’t end there.

Pray With Me:

My time of manifestation has come in Jesus’ name!

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