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LESSONS FROM John 6: 5-14


Then Jesus lifted up His eyes, and seeing a great multitude coming toward Him, He said to Philip, “Where shall we buy bread, that these may eat?” 6 But this He said to test him, for He Himself knew what He would do. 

7 Philip answered Him, “Two hundred denarii worth of bread is not sufficient for them, that every one of them may have a little.” 

8 One of His disciples, Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother, said to Him, 9 “There is a lad here who has five barley loaves and two small fish, but what are they among so many?” 

10 Then Jesus said, “Make the people sit down.” Now there was much grass in the place. So the men sat down, in number about five thousand. 11 And Jesus took the loaves, and when He had given thanks He distributed them [b]to the disciples, and the disciples to those sitting down; and likewise of the fish, as much as they wanted.

12 So when they were filled, He said to His disciples, “Gather up the fragments that remain, so that nothing is lost.” 13 Therefore they gathered them up, and filled twelve baskets with the fragments of the five barley loaves which were left over by those who had eaten. 14 Then those men, when they had seen the sign that Jesus did, said, “This is truly the Prophet who is to come into the world.”

From the Records of the Miracle of Feeding the Five Thousand, the following lessons can be apprehended

1. A NEEDS IS AN OPPORTUNITY:There will alway be “Wants” and“Needs” as long as the Earth exists

2. WHAT DO YOU HAVE? :Just as there was a lad with lunch, there is always a SEED/INGREDiENT for the Miraculous.

3. GIVE IT TO THE LORD: The Miracle was made possible because The Lad GAVE his Lunch

4. JESUS KNEW WAHAT TO DO: He (JESUS) knew what He would do -“OMNISCIENCE” , the Divine Capacity makes the Difference

5. GIVING THANKS: “When he had given thanks” -Giving thanks was an Act of Faith acknowledging that the Matter was settled even before manifestation!!

6. MORE THAN WE CAN IMAGINE:Even the Fragments that remained filled 12 Baskets after feeding Five Thousand Men

7. MEN SAW THE SIGN THAT JESUS DID: We pray that Miracles, Signs and Wonders in Our Lives will continue to arise to point Men to Jesus

Contributor: Elder Okelola

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