Made In His image And His Likeness – Pastor Ayo Yoloye

Table of Contents

Anchor scripture
Genesis 1:26-28 “And God said let us make man in our image after our likeness and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the fowl of the air and over every creeping thing on earth.
And God blessed them and God said unto them, be fruitful, and multiply and replenish the earth and subdue it”

This was God’s original plan when He made man, to be like Him, He then purposed to give man dominion, that is man will dominate on the earth. Man will have dominion over the waters the air and everything on earth; that was the original plan and that has always been the plan of God for man.

If that’s God’s plan for man, then why is it that we are not operating on that plan? Why is it that some people are not dominating, why is it that situations and circumstances are getting the better part of us? Why are things not going according to the original plan as God intended when He made man

He made man so that man could live forever, and never be sick, He made man as someone who would say things and the things he said will be established, the Bible says whatever Adam named those creatures were the names they bore

But why is it that things are not moving according to the original plan?

I want to shed a little bit of light, as to what God’s expectations are for us. I want to assure you that if you believe, and decide to operate the way God wants you to operate, that is, operating in His image and His likeness, in dominion, because that is the way things are supposed to be, you shall experience a positive turn around in your life in Jesus name.

The Lord reminded me of a story, and I want to share with you, I have dual citizenship, because I was born in the United States, but I am also a Nigerian, so I have American passport, but I didn’t get my American Passport till I was 18/19.

How did I get it? My family was to go for one vacation in USA, we went to the USA embassy to go and get Visa, we applied for visa for everyone in the family, six of us in total and the embassy approved visa for everyone except me, they said since I am an American citizen, we should go and get an American Passport for me, because the timeframe between the time we were applying for visa and the date we wanted to travel was too short to get an American passport, my dad pleaded with the officers, so they approved my passport.

So I traveled with my family using my Nigerian Passport, but when we got to the USA, we completed the process of my USA passport and I got my USA passport. At that time, having a USA passport didn’t mean anything to me. I just collected it and kept it. Whenever I wanted to travel, I would bring out my Nigerian Passport and still apply for Visa,

After some time, it got really difficult to apply for visas in my country, there was always a long queue of people applying for visa in the embassy

I also used to join the queue, even after getting my USA passport, but on one vacation in the UK, I spent some time with a friend who had a British passport, and was working abroad, so he told me while we were discussing that in the last holiday, he traveled to US, I wondered and asked him, “how did you apply for your visa to go to the USA?” He answered me and said “I don’t need a visa” then he explained that there’s a reciprocal arrangement the UK has with the USA, that if one has a UK passport, such person can travel to USA.

I then realized that I didn’t know the value of what I had, because the USA passport actually gives one access to several countries of the World. That day, my eyes opened and that marked the end of my queuing for visa.

Why am I telling this story? For a long time I had it but I didn’t know the value of what I had, and because I didn’t know the value of what I had, I was settling for less than what I was entitled to.

I suspect that many of us in the body of Christ are settling for less because we don’t really know who we are, we don’t fully understand what God has done for us, we don’t understand the complexity and nature of our creation, that we are created superior to a USA citizen, we are citizens of heaven, a very powerful place to come from, many are leaving their country because the country is hard, or so their children can have a better future

The reality is that each of us has a more superior citizenship, greater than that of any country, I want to encourage you today, that what you have is far superior than anything you can get anywhere else, you just have to understand what you got.

Man was made in the image and likeness of God, he was given dominion and he was walking in dominion, but then the devil came and subverted that authority.

Principles Of The Kingdom

There is a song that we often sing from the Bible; “Lift up Jesus, He’s King of kings, lift up Jesus He’s Lord of lords, lift up Jesus He’s King of kings, King of kings and Lord of lords”

What does it mean that Jesus is the King of kings? Who are the other kings? Jesus is our King, He is our Lord, so if we describe Him as King of kings, it means that you and I are also kings.

We are called into a kingdom that is made up of Kings, and people in the original design of God, what Christ did for us was to bring us into the kingdom, hence He said I am the way, the truth and the life, that is, you can only come into God’s kingdom through Jesus Christ and once you enter into the kingdom you can begin to operate in the dynamics of the kingdom.

Everybody in the kingdom has a domain or territory, so you have a territory you are suppose to be in charge of, it could be your home, your school, your business etc, you have a territory you are supposed to be in control of.

Every kingdom has its citizens and you are a citizen of heaven, every kingdom has a constitution, and our constitution is the Bible. Every kingdom has its rules and the Lord has given us laws and guidelines that we need to follow.

One of the beautiful things God said to us, is that; it is the Father’s good pleasure to give to you, keys of the kingdom

What are the keys
First, What are keys? Gaining access into a place is always difficult when one doesn’t have the keys, especially if it’s a security door. No matter how huge you are, if it’s a small boy that has the key to the gate or door, he will be the one to access the place, why? Because he has the access key.

In the same way God has given us keys to the kingdom, there are financial keys, healing keys wisdom keys, all available but we need to exercise ourselves in the things of the kingdom for us to actually enter into that reality.

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