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Lessons From Mark 3

But Jesus withdrew himself with his disciples to the sea: and a great multitude from Galilee followed him, and from Judæa, and from Jerusalem, and from Idumæa, and from beyond Jordan; and they about Tyre and Sidon, a great multitude, when they had heard what great things he did, came unto him.
Mark 3:7‭-‬8 KJV

And there followed him great multitudes of people from Galilee, and from Decapolis, and from Jerusalem, and from Judæa, and from beyond Jordan.

Matthew 4:25 KJV

In the rendering of Mathew and Mark, we can see how that right from the time of the ministry of Jesus, crowds were a common occurrence.

That church attendance has become a major crowd pulling event in our day is therefore not a new thing. However, as we go further into the readings, knowing how critical it is for the work he started to continue and be sustained long after he leaves, Jesus was not carried away by the large crowd. Often his manner was to withdraw from the crowd to be alone with his disciples.

Though not outlined in details in Mark’s account, this manner also preceded his appointment of the twelve. He withrew from the crowd to a mountain to pray. He prayed all night.(Lk 6:12)

And by morning, getting past his growing popularity evidenced by the mammoth crowd, obviously brought on by his miraculous works, he appointed to himself those he wanted. The names and description of those who made his list is interesting on its own.

From fishermen, notable among which were the fiery Zebedee brothers, to the political Simon, the zealot, to the corruption- prone tax collectors, not forgetting of course, the one who will end up betraying him.

Arising from this is a reminder that taking a decision to become born again or saying the sinner’s prayer is just an entry point to being a Christian.

The journey of Discipleship then starts with a serious commitment to know Him. Just like we saw while reading the account of Matthew, Jesus did not labour endlessly on the crowd. Rather, he poured himself into men who were called his disciples. What makes these ones different from the crowd? They are separated from the crowd,

He appointed them that they might be with Him. The first job of the disciples was simply to be with Jesus, to learn from being around Him. Then, in a secondary sense He chose them that He might send them out to preach.

Truth is, a preacher will only be as useful to Jesus to the extent that He has “been with” Jesus.

There is little done for eternal good by those who preach without having a real, personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

Brethren, the question to ask oneself then is
“Have I passed the entry point of reciting the sinner’s prayer to moving to the level of discipleship?”( pls note that am not referring to graduation from Discipleship class but the School of Discipleship where there is no graduation because of our perpetual attachment to the Master)

“Am I still one of those that make up the number from coast to coast, from this church program to another church program, knowing the details of His next Miracle Hour but never really settling down to be with him, or staying long enough in his presence to learn of him?”

It is wonderful for people to be attracted to Jesus. But if their focus is on what He can do for them instead of Who He is, they will not follow Him for long. Sadly, this has become the bane of Christianity today. People coming and going ….

In reading Mathew’s account we call to remembrance that the master’s expectation having come to him therefore, is that our lives are changed to reflect the Kingdom Lifestyle as Jesus preached his longest sermon on the mount ( Matt 5- 7)This was not to the crowd, but preached to those who were willing to mount up with him.

Highlights 2

The Lessons From Mark 3

1) Mark 3:1-4- Jesus knew the opposition was waiting to see if he will do what he knows to do – HEAL, even if it was on a Sabbath day.

He was not afraid to stand up for his beliefs even if it offends others, as long as it is the will of the Father. He could have tried to be politically correct and not offend the sensibilities of the Jews. I just wonder at why some believe that Jesus is weak. They don’t even know half of it.

Vs2, 3: 4-5 – He did try to make them understand that they had lost the vision or purpose of the Sabbath, due to their extremism, Yet, they didn’t get it.

Vs3, 3: 7-10 – Where the carcass is the vultures will gather. Once there are signs and wonders, multitude will throng there seeking solutions to their problems.

Vs4, 3: 13-19 – He separated himself from the crowd before taking a major decision of chosing those he will train for the work at hand.

Vs14: Of note is the fact that he called the 12 to be with him. That is to build a RELATIONSHIP first before other duties and empowerment came.

Vs5, 3: 22 – No matter how good one is some people will never see that good.

Vs6, 3:24 – Lack of unity will destroy a group, family, an idea or movement.
Secondly, build capacity before you attempt to take up a great force.

Vs7, 3:28 – Do not grieve the Holy Spirit – it is a sin that will not be forgiven.


1. Help me Lord to BE with you and to build the relationship

2. Lord please help me to love you indeed and not just for the things I need or desire in Jesus name

3. Father please help me to realize my areas of weaknesses and help me to deal with me so they don’t destroy me in Jesus mighty name

4. Father please open my eyes to the people you have placed around me to support me in the work you have given to me in Jesus mighty name

5. Thank you Lord for answering my prayers.






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