Powerful Prayers Against Evil Circles and Patterns

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Have you noticed a re-occurring negative event in your family? Is your family known for one negative reason in your community? Is the death of every first baby girl a common thing in your family? Do the elders in the family often bury their younger ones? Is there a particular age that the men in your family don’t exceed? All of these and many more are examples of negative patterns.

Negative patterns simply means the repetition of unpleasant circumstances in a family, company or country.

Most times, Negative cycles and patterns are backed up by strange covenants and oaths made between our forefathers and strange gods or evil altars many years back.

In other cases, negative cycles and patterns can be as a result of a curse placed on the forefathers for a wrong done to another person.

Negative patterns hardly leave an individual, family or even community, many have been rejected, and betrayed severally by the reason of evil pattern and cycles in their lives.

And an unbelievable fact is that, these negative patterns affect some believers, especially those who are either ignorant of them or who simply refuse to withstand these patterns in prayers.

Of a truth, Christ has given us power to thread on snakes and scorpions and over all the powers of the adversary, but it is important that as believers we come to the consciousness of this authority and use it!

So, first you need to think deep and recognize the negative patterns in your family, after this, you need to also make research (spiritually or physically) where necessary to see the cause of these patterns, then you need to repent and ask God for mercy.
Depending on the nature of the cause of your family pattern, you may need to make restitution. (In order to address this properly, it’s best you consult a spiritual authority, (i.e a Pastor) to help guide you on the right steps to take towards making restitution.

Another method that works in getting rid of negative patterns is sowing sacrificial seed (this means giving to God something like money or any valuable item that costs you a lot.) for the purpose of advancing the kingdom of Christ on earth.

Asides from repentance, restitution and sowing seeds, fasting and prayers backed by your absolute faith in God will aid your deliverance from negative patterns and circles.
As scriptures says in Matthew 17:22 “Howbeit, this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting”, and the Word also says in Hebrews 11:6 “But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him”.

Therefore, fasting and prayers made in absolute faith in Christ is a prerequisite to been delivered from negative patterns and circles.

Let’s proceed to the 30 powerful prayers against Evil circles and patterns

30 Powerful Prayers Against Evil Circles And Patterns

1. Oh Lord I thank you for your mercy and your faithfulness upon my life, blessed be your name Lord
2. Father I appreciate you greatly for your unfailing grace upon my life and family in Jesus name
3. Father I thank you for you are ever kind and loving to me, blessed be your Holy name Lord
4. Thank you Jesus for not allowing the powers of my ancestors swallow up my destiny
5. Father I thank you for you have put the enemy to shame over my life and my family, all glory belongs to you Lord
6. King of glory I thank you for divinely preserving my life till I came to the knowledge of the truth, blessed be your name Lord
7. Father arise in your mercy for me and please deliver me from these negative patterns in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
8. Ancient of days you have been before the world began, you see all the evils that my ancestors have done, in your mercy and supremacy, please reveal to me every cause of the negative patterns my family has been facing in Jesus mighty name
9. Lord please open our eyes to see the things we need to do in order to retrieve our joy and peace in marriage and finance in Jesus name
10. Lord as you reveal the cause of our problems to us, please grant us the grace to restitute or follow your divine instructions that will follow the revelation in Jesus name
11. Every old time circumstance, that we can no longer restitute for, Lord arise in your mercy and deliver us from it’s consequences in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
12. I come with the blood of Jesus Christ against every evil altar, that is enforcing evil circles and patterns in my life in Jesus name
13. Every priest or demon behind this evil altar, catch fire now in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
14. You demon of my father’s house that is always requesting for the blood of our first sons after every 5 years, I command your operations to cease in my life and family now by fire and thunder in Jesus mighty name
15. You demonic personality sponsoring attacks against my marriage die by fire in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
16. Every evil covenant my fathers have made with strange altars, I break it now by the ever potent blood of Jesus Christ
17. I scatter every demonic arrangement that has been made by my father with evil altars, it shall no longer work against me and my siblings in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
18. Enforcers of the demands of evil covenants, catch fire now in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
19. You evil accusation tongue arisen against me before God, I condemn you to be destroyed by fire now in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
20. Oh Lord as we plan to proceed for restitution, ease grant us great favor in the sight of those we are going to meet in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
21. Father I refuse to suffer for the mistakes of my father, because I have been engrafted into the good olives of Christ, I no longer belong to the old root of my father and his ancestors, deliver me oh Lord, in Jesus mighty name
22. Lord save me from the consequences of the iniquities I know nothing about,, save me oh Lord that I may not drown in the sins of another in Jesus mighty name
23. Oh Lord show me your mercy, you said you will have mercy upon whom you will have mercy, please choose me and my family oh Lord, that our story will not be like that of our ancestors in Jesus name
24. Save me and my siblings from the evil circles of depression and frustration in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
25. King of all kings, save us from the curses that has brought delay shame and disgrace upon my family in Jesus name.
26. Save us oh Lord from the evil pattern of delay in marriage and child birth in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
27. Father please save us from the evil circle of rising and falling and failure at the edge of success in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
28. Father please take away reproach from us and let poverty leave my siblings and I alone forever in the might
29. Father please disconnect us totally from the old root, help us to get our life and destiny nutrient from your holy spirit in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
30. Thank you for hearing my prayers.

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