Powerful Prayers Against Monitoring Spirits

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Isaiah 49:25-26 “But thus saith the Lord, Even the captives of the mighty shall be taken away, and the prey of the terrible shall be delivered: for I will contend with him that contendeth with thee, and I will save thy children. And I will feed them that oppress thee with their own flesh; and they shall be drunken with their own blood, as with sweet wine: and all flesh shall know that I the Lord am thy Saviour and thy Redeemer, the mighty One of Jacob”.

Do you sometimes feel like you are been trailed whenever you are performing some activities or alone in your house? Do you easily get frightened at the slightest sound of objects? Have you noticed sounds like footsteps coming behind you a couple of times? If you have found yourself in one or all of these scenarios, you need to pray these 40 powerful prayers against monitoring spirits.

Monitoring spirits are agents of darkness assigned to closely watch an individual or group of persons with the aim of reporting their actions, prayers or even intentions to the altars of darkness.

The operation of monitoring spirits is a highly demonic experience that should not be allowed for long, because as the scripture says in John 10:10kjv, the devil does not come, if not to steal, to kill and to destroy (paraphrased). The activity of monitoring spirits against an individual or family is a clear indication that there is something huge to steal, to kill, or to destroy in that family.

The good news however is that Christ has come to give us life, abundantly. While the devil and his cohorts have the intention to steal your peace, make you doubt your salvation, to destroy your home and to kill you, Christ promise to you is abundant life.

Abundant life is all encompassing, it guarantees you peace in God, it assures you of victory on all sides. One of the benefits of this abundant life Christ promised is recorded in Luke 10:19kjv where He declared that He has given us power to trample on snakes and scorpion and over all the works of the enemy and nothing shall by any means hurt us

His word further assures us in  that whatever we bind on earth shall be bound in heaven and whatever we loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven (Matthew 16:19kjv)

Little wonder, David said strangers shall hear my voice and flee out of their hiding places (Psalm 18:45), (if he been a descendant of Adam could exercise this authority, how much more we who are joint heirs with Christ? Romans 8:17kjv)

Of a truth, we are in a place of authority, we have been given authority in Christ to dictate what happens to us here on earth, so if you have been experiencing the demonic activities of monitoring spirits, whether or not you are sure that they are the ones operating against you in business, health, finance, marriage, career, etc. You need to arise and pray these 40 powerful prayers against monitoring spirit for yourself and all around you.

With Holy anger in you, ready to wage war against the powers of darkness, pray these 40 powerful prayers against monitoring spirits

40 powerful prayers against monitoring spirits

  1. Father I thank you for your goodness and mercy upon me and my family
  2. Lord I appreciate you for your great grace and love upon my life and my family
  3. Father I thank you for your unwavering Mercy upon my life
  4. Thank you for been our shield and fortress, our only hope and rock of refuge
  5. Thank you for not allowing our adversaries have their wishes granted in my life and family
  6. Thank you for rendering all their plans useless, blessed by your name Lord
  7. Father I thank you for helping me to find this article this day, all glory belongs to you Lord
  8. Thank you Lord for the great deliverance you have planned for me this day.
  9. Thank you because as I pray these prayers, you are going to disgrace and destroy all monitoring spirits around me and render their evil works concerning me useless in Jesus name
  10. Lord I thank you for the great authority you have given me through Christ Jesus, blessed be your name Lord
  11. Father I ask for your mercy upon me and my family, in all ways we have sinned and done evil in your sight, please forgive us in Jesus name
  12. Lord in every way we have tampered with the super divine edge that you placed around my life and family, please let it be restored by your mercy in Jesus name
  13. Lord please forgive us in all ways we have invited evil personalities into our lives and family, in Jesus mighty name
  14. Lord let your fire saturate my life and my home, in Jesus name
  15. Lord let every hiding place of the kingdom of darkness in my home be exposed and destroyed In the mighty name of Jesus Christ
  16. Every satanic personality orchestrating attacks against my life, I command their death to come now speedily in Jesus name
  17. Principalities and powers I am not on same level with you, I am seated with Christ in heavenly places, I decree that your evil actions against me shall no longer prosper in Jesus mighty name
  18. You evil personality trailing me, I command your operations to seize now by fire in Jesus name
  19. You evil eyes monitoring me from the kingdom of darkness, I command you to go blind now by fire in Jesus mighty name
  20. You demonic mirrors used by the powers of darkness to monitor me, I command you to break to pieces now in Jesus mighty name
  21. Altars of darkness where monitoring spirits are assigned against me and my family, I command you to catch fire now in Jesus mighty name
  22. Evil animals assigned to listen to my conversations, I command you to die by fire I. Jesus mighty name
  23. Every evil intention of the enemy against me shall not stand neither shall it come to pass in Jesus mighty name
  24. Every where the powers of dark ess have misrepresented me, my career and my business, I receive divine restoration in Jesus mighty name
  25. Every household enemy that is supplying the kingdom of darkness with my secret information, I command your death to come speedily in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
  26. Every oppressor that is seeking after my life, I decree divine judgement upon you in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
  27. Every tongue of accusation arisen against me and my family, I command you to be silenced by fire and thunder in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
  28. Principalities of hell, you have no place in my home and marriage, get out by fire and thunder in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
  29. Evil monitoring spirits assigned against my children, I command your operation to cease now in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
  30. I surround my apartment and myself with the fire of the Holy Ghost, whoever comes against me and my apartment, shall die by fire and thunder in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
  31. Every evil spirit contending against me and my family, the Lord contend against you all in the mighty name of the Lord
  32. I surround my children with the fire of the Holy Ghost, any spirit of the devil that comes around them will be consumed by fire in Jesus mighty name
  33. Any object in my home that is connecting my home to the altars of darkness I command you to be exposed and I destroy your radar, you shall no longer work in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
  34. Evil snakes assigned to swallow my favors, whenever you see them coming spiritually, I command you to vomit all my blessings, and die by fire in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
  35. Strange powers causing problems for me in my marriage, get out by fire now in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
  36. The operations of monitoring spirits and manipulative spirits shall no longer excel in my home in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
  37. Though the enemies come out against me in one way they shall flee before me in all ways, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
  38. Every thing I have lost to the powers of darkness due to evil monitoring, I command it to be restored in ten folds in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
  39. I declare that I am victorious forever, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
  40. Thank you Jesus for answering my prayers


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