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Day 10: Tuesday 27th September, 2022

Theme: AND THE FIRE FELL: Part 3

TEXT: Judges 15 v 11-16

What happens when the fire of God falls?

Destiny Will Be Restored.

When the relatives of Samson brought him bound to the enemy they thought his destiny was over, but then the Almighty God has a purpose for the life of Samson and God saw to it that the plan of the enemy to truncate the destiny of Samson was foiled. I have always said it, nobody comes to this world without a reason. God sent you to this world for a purpose, when you were young you had some beautiful dreams, you had dreams of greatness but as time began to go, it looks as if those dreams will never be fulfilled, I have good news for you tonight, before the end of this year, you will have a testimony in Jesus name.

The Lord says there is someone here, your constant prayer has been; God bless Daddy PJA Olaiya, the Lord is saying, I will bless you also.

The Lord said there is someone here tonight, before end of the month of October, you will sing the song, “He has done it for me, what my family cannot do, he has done it for me”

Another thing that happens when the fire falls on you, is that suddenly you begin to have the last laugh.

The Philistine were rejoicing; we got our enemy, he is even bound, this fellow is finished, but not long after that, Samson was the one saying with the jaw bone of an ass, I have wiped out my enemies.

I prophesy to someone here today, in the name that is above every other name, you will laugh last.

In Daniel 6 v 1 -24 the enemies saw the way Daniel was rising so they plotted against him to put an end to his life permanently, they threw him into the den of lions, rolled a big stone, they thought this fellow is finished. I am sure they must have gone home that night rejoicing, but by the following morning, Daniel came out alive, the king sent for the enemies and forced them into the den themselves. I assure you, by the time the sun rises this day; it will be your turn to laugh at your enemies.

The Lord said there is someone here tonight who has been asking, when will God answer my prayers? He asked me to tell you, tonight is your night!

The Lord said there is someone here tonight, that needs to take a proper record of where they are now, He said because I am about to take you far.

In Exodus 12 v 31- 36 when the fire of God fell in the land of Egypt, Pharaoh sent for Moses in a hurry, the one who had said “who is your God, I don’t know him and I am not going to let you go”, now said, go quickly, go and worship your God and bless me also. I could hear Moses saying, I thought you said you don’t know my God, but now you are asking my God to bless you. All those who have been asking where is your God? you will laugh last over them.

When the fire of God falls, a child of God will begin to sing a new song.

Samson had a song before the fire fell, and the song sounds as if the end has come, but after the fire fell, he began to sing a new song, and it was a song of victory. Every one of you here tonight, in the mighty name of Jesus, you will begin to sing a new song.

Psalm 40 v 1-3 says, when I cried to the Almighty God, He brought me out of the miry clay and He put a new song in my mouth. The bible says in Psa. 126 v 1-3 when the Lord turned the captivity of Zion, we were like them that dream, then was our mouth filled with laughter and our tongue with singing. In the name that is above every other name, from this moment forward, you will be laughing for joy; you will be singing a new song.

The Lord said there is someone here tonight, impossible as it may appear to you, one day whenever you arrive in a place, everybody will stand up to honour you.

God reserves the best for the last for you and me!

The Lord says, there is someone here tonight, your own golden age begins now.

Daddy says, it is usually said flowers fade, stories end, but there is someone here tonight, your testimony will never end.

This is the crown of it all, those who are thinking that maybe one day I will grow less, they are wasting their time.

1 Samuel 2 v 1 -10; when the Lord answered Hannah, she sang a new song; those of you who have been saying this barren woman is going to die barren, now come and see.


1. Praise the Almighty God for grace.

2. Father, let your fire fall to terminate sorrow and sadness in my family in Jesus name.

3. Father, let your fire fall to terminate any form of sickness and disease in my family in Jesus name.

4. Father, let your fire fall to terminate poverty in my family in Jesus name.

5. Father, let your fire fall to terminate stagnation and bondage in my family in Jesus name.

6. Father, let your fire fall to terminate untimely death and strange occurrence in my family in Jesus Mighty name

7. Pray in the Spirit.

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