Prayers Against Anxiety And Depression

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Depression is a slow and silent killer, it is responsible for the death of many in the recent years. Both young and old aged people have been victims of depression, hence it is important to pray against it if you have noticed it’s traces around you.

While it is essential to note that anxiety and depression can be caused by physical and other factors happening around a person, it is also crucial to know that depression has a strong demonic undertone, it is a dangerous affliction from the devil and needs to be dealt with as fast as it is noticed.

As you may already know, the devil’s mission is to Steal, kill and destroy (John 10:10), anxiety and depression especially also have a common end goal, which is to kill or destroy the carrier.

If depression is not thoroughly prayed out, it can cause the depressed to get tired of everything around their life and to commit suicide, and this is why if you have noticed any trace of depression in your life, you need to arise with holy anger, and pray it out now!

Remember Christ died for you, so you may have life abundantly (John 10:10b), He also gave you His peace (John 14:27) not as the World gave, so whatsoever is limiting you from enjoying abundant life and peace in God, is an enemy you must fight aggressively.

If you intend to enjoy this abundant life that Christ has purchased for you through His blood, it’s time to pray these 35 prayers against anxiety and depression

35 Prayers Against Anxiety And Depression

1. Oh Lord I thank you for your mercy that has kept me alive despite all the tough situations I have gone through
2. Father I bless your name for you truly have need of me on planet earth, thank you for your great purpose for my life
3. Lord I thank you for not allowing me to destroy myself, blessed be your righteous name
4. Lord I am so grateful for preserving my life to see this article, all glory belongs to you Lord
5. Father I thank you for helping me to see that depression has a strong demonic undertone, all honor belongs to you.
6. Lord I ask for your mercy in every way i have sinned and fallen short of your love, let your mercy speak for me in Jesus name
7. Father in all ways I have invited depression into my life by myself, please forgive me Lord
8. Lord in every I have stopped reading and believing your promises for my life, please have mercy on me
9. Father please forgive me for believing the lies of the devil, that you are not mindful of me, show me mercy Lord
10. Lord I seek your forgiveness over my life for i have doubted your promises, please forgive me
11. Father I ask in your mercy, please deliver me from the spirit of depression in Jesus name
12. Father let the spirit of heaviness be taken away from me, help me to be joyful at all times in the mighty name of Jesus Chris
13. I receive the special grace to trust in you oh Lord in every circumstance of life in Jesus mighty name
14. Father let your peace flood my heart and make me get addicted to your Word in Jesus mighty name
15. Every altar of darkness where demonic enchantments ate done against my life, I command you to burn by the invisible fire of the Lord in Jesus name
16. All satanic personalities assigned against my destiny, I command you to get out of my life in Jesus mighty name
17. Every monitoring spirit assigned to monitor my affairs, I command sudden destruction upon you now in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
18. I shall no longer yield to demonic spirits and their evil ideas In the mighty name of Jesus Christ
19. I soak myself in the ever powerful blood of the lamb and I decree that I am exempted form every evil in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
20. I shall no longer hear strange voices in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
21. Every desire to die in me, I command it to fizzle out by fire in the mighty name of the Lord
22. I decree that I still have a great destiny to fulfill, therefore I shall live in Jesus mighty name
23. I testify that the Lord who has kept me till this time is faithful to keep me till the end in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
24. Every disease in my body, get out by fire in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
25. I decree that my hope and joy are restored in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
26. I shall no longer weep, I shall no longer mourn, back to back celebration is my portion in Jesus mighty name
27. In this new season of my life, I decree that the Lord shall be my shield, my guard and my safe place in Jesus name
28. I receive the grace not to live life alone, Lord please help me to make godly friends, who will help boost my faith in Christ
29. Father help me not to yield to erroneous teachings in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
30. For all that I am expecting from you, help me Lord to wait patiently till they all manifest in the mighty name of Jesus
31. I decree that I shall no longer be depressed in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
32. Anxiety shall no longer have a place in my life, in Jesus name
33. I receive grace to build my faith in Christ by daily studying the Word of God, in Jesus mighty name
34. Lord help me to resuscitate my prayer and fasting life in Jesus mighty name of Jesus Christ
35. Thank you Lord for answering my prayers.

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